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Kuroko's POV

"So.. How did I ended up like this." Twitched,

I'm being dressed as maid, blue colours to match my hair and eyes, frills are everywhere.

"Kyaa~~~ Kawaii Tetsu-chan~~" Squeal Momoi who are wearing a non-cosplay clothes, but still a hostess'.

"Momoi-san, this is unfair.." Emo corner,

"Then.. Would you rather wear something like this~?" Momoi say while smilling a suspicious smile,

I look to the one she points t-- (An exposing bunny girl costume. No need for further explanation, or you'll nosebleed.)


"Tee hee~" Flower pops out from Momoi while smilling.

"You two done yet~? Customers are lining up!" Says Kise's manager, seems like he'll watch over us while we work.

"Done~" Reply Momoi and I'm being dragged outside by Momoi-san.

"Ara~ Kawaii~ Why don't you wear the--"

"I politely decline." I deadpanned.

"Ah ok, the boys have done changing and are serving the customers" Kise's manager say while escorting us to the room,

"How was your day, ojou-sama?" Midorima says while holding a girl's hand, kissing it, green flowers seems to surrounds him. The girl fainted.

"Nee~~ Lets play a game, Ojou-chan~" Kise says while winking seductively towards some girls, yellow flowers magically surrounds him. Those girls fainted from nosebleeding.

'What.. The..'

"Nee, If you won't eat those, I'll eat it" Murasakibara says while licking his lips, looking at the girl's cake, eyes shining towards the girl. The girl shoved him the cakes and run away, face flushed really red.

"Oi, don't cling to me or else you'll get your scent all over me. Tch." Aomine says in Cool-mine mode. He brushes his hair to the back with his hands, making him look extremely hawt, abs can be seen from his messy clothes. The girls got k'od.

Momoi is trying to hold her laugh.. so do I.

"Good day milady, would you like something to eat.. or me?" Kagami ask in perfect English, while brushing the girl's cheek, eyes glint seductively and lips open a little. The girl di-- cough, fainted.

'I feel like facepalming myself..'

"Hmn? What's this? You wanted me to devour you?" A familiar voice could be heard, 'Akashi-kun!' I look to where the sound came from and saw Akashi holding a girl's chin up meeting his face, he then move himself near the girl's ear, and whisper seductively, "Yokaro." Before he bite the girl's ear, the girl already fainted... nosebleeding. 'Ah.. Whose gonna dig her grave.'

"STOP STOP STOP!!" Kise's manager scream and everyone halted their action, "You should entertain the customers.. NOT KILL THEM!!"

"OI, b-stard. Its their fault that they.. died." Aomine yawn.

"You guys have no shame, seriously." Poker-face Kagami,

"Says the one who got into it-nodayo" Midorima says while tilting his glasses.


"KUROKO-CCHI~~~" Kise run towards me, and glomps at me, "KAWAII-SSU~~" hugglessnugglescuddles.

A scissor came flying towards Kise.


Kise di--.. k'od.

"Ahahaha!!" Momoi poked kise with ther leg, see if he's dead.

"Ano.. Kise's manager.. If the customers are in this.. state, I.. me and Momoi won't need to.."

"Ah.. Kuro-chin seems happy."

"Oi, is that a flower popped out from her?"

"Nonesense, Tetsuya. You haven't entertain me." Akashi says while patting an unoccupied seat next to him, indicating me to seat there.

"Me too-ssu~~ Me too~!!" Kise came back alive,


"EK.. Nevermind-ssu..."

*Sigh* "Well since there aren't any more customers, then you guys can do anything you want." Kise's manager says while leaving the room.

Akashi smirks.

This doesn't look good...

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