Grant Morrison & Frank Iero or Gerard Way

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1. 'Looking for Satellites' - fleurdeliser, tuesdaysgone

Galaxy-hopping alien trader Gerard has business on space station Perseus Four. Getting to know station administrator Grant is a nice bonus.

Pairing: Gerard Way/Grant Morrison

Rating: Explicit


Tags: Alien Culture| AU - Space| Space Stations| Polyamory| Telepathy| Background Jessicka/Lindsey

2. 'Love on the Webways' - fleurdeliser, ohnoktcsk, tuesdaysgone

As a writer, Grant supposes he could have considerably worse habits than trolling his own message boards. A totally ridiculous AU vaguely inspired by 'You've Got Mail'.

Pairing: Gerard Way/Grant Morrison

Rating: Explicit


3. 'Stay A Little; News Will Find You' - fleurdeliser, tuesdaysgone 

Grant Morrison is a journalist churning out typical tabloid conspiracy fare until he stumbles over a vast corporate conspiracy - and literally stumbles over a club kid passed out in front of his door. Luckily, he's the type of man who takes care of strays. Before long, Gerard Way joins Grant's rotating cast of nameless cats as an unofficial resident and lends his hacking skills to the most legitimate story ever to appear on the pages of Helix Magazine.

Pairing: Gerard Way/Grant Morrison

Rating: Explicit


Tags: Drug Use| Drug Addiction| Drug Overdose| AU - Journalism| AU - CyberPunk| sexual favours in exchange for drugs| Cats

4. 'The Secret Ingredient' - fleurdeliser, ohnoktcsk, tuesdaysgone

Frank, Brian, and James own a bakery/chocolatier/patisserie together. Grant Morrison, who has a television program devoted to food and travel, decides to profile the up-and-coming New Jersey food scene and chooses their shop to visit. It's sure to be a disaster if Frank can't get over his grudge about the jokes Grant made about Jersey in his latest review.

Pairing: Frank Iero/Grant Morrison

Rating: Explicit


Tags: Bakery| Gerard Way/Brain Schechter (secondary pairing)| Gerard Way/Lindsey Ballot (secondary pairing)| First Impressions| New Jersey| Grudgy!Frank

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