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1. 'And Me Here on the Ground' - ohnoktcsk

Frank's worked hard to build a life for himself in the city of Jersey, where dragons swoop and dive over the river, and every day is divided by the ringing of the city bells. He knows the streets of the city like he knows the the tattoos on the backs of his hands, and he's content with what he has: a job as a bike courier, friends who love to give him shit, and a crush on a professor of art history at the local university.

But he's also got a secret—one he's been running from for a long time. But all it takes is one delivery to a mysterious, quite-probably-magical bookshop to show Frank that there are some things you can't outrun. Especially since he's finally found a place that he doesn't want to leave.

Rating: Explicit


Tags: AU - Fantasy| Magic| Sigils| Wizards| Dragons| First Dates| Walking Trees

2. 'Everyone Comes to Pan's' -  roxy_palace

"Second street on the left, and straight on till Mornington Crescent. Tell them Pete sent you."

Frank gets a job at Pan's and can't work out why strange things are happening. 

(5 Parts)

Rating: Adult


3. 'Gerard Way: Sex Alien' - autoschediastic

Part 1: 'Got Another Dime for Your Telephone'

Totally, of course. A sex alien named Gerard dropped out of the sky to watch him jerk off. No way is his brain making this shit up.

Part 2: 'Space Junk'

"I mean," Gerard rambles on, "how was I supposed to tell him? What was I supposed to tell him? 'Hi, sweetheart, I'm here to steal you, how about a kiss'?"

Rating: Explicit


Tags: Alien Sex| Alien Abduction| Alien Character(s)| Alien Cultural Differences| Alien Biology| Alcohol| Drugs

4. 'Of Another Kind' - Cock_Zero, replaced (nightingveil)

Gerard is an alien on a mission--to find a human mate on Earth. He's decided on Frank Iero, but his database doesn't give him all the facts he needs to win over his future companion, and there are just some things he will have to learn on his own.

Rating: Explicit


Tags: alien!Gerard

5. 'Space Is Dark' - akamine_chan

Mikey and his ship, Bunny Marie go missing in the dark. It's up to Gerard and his ship, Helena, to rescue them. 

Helena also picks up Frank, a lonely mechanic.

Rating: Teen and Up Audiences, Explicit


Tags: AU - Space| Spaceships| AU - Space Opera| Artificial Intelligence| Kidnapping

6. 'Space Pirates' - theopteryx

Gerard took things. He didn't used to take things; he used to ask before, say please and may I and other things his parents taught him, because that was what you did. You didn't just take.

Rating: Explicit

Warning: Graphic Descriptions of Violence


Tags: AU - Space| AU - Science Fiction| 

7. 'The Way They Fly' - mrsronweasley

Frank is a robot. He is in love with his genius creator, Gerard, who doesn't realize that Frank is capable of real feelings. Frank starts breaking down, getting ill, and Gerard doesn't know what to do to fix it - all his methods are completely useless, none of the programming explains why this is happening to his Frank - but it's because Frank has a broken heart.

Rating: NC-17


8. 'Momentum Keeps Us Going, Gravity Makes Us Strong' - akamine_chan

The problem was that Gerard was a frankenstein. The Way family had five generations of frankensteins to their name and Gerard was the best and brightest of them. Frankensteins had that spark of genius which made them scientists and artists, and musicians and inventors. Frankensteins were also severely lacking in common sense, and Gerard was no exception to that particular characteristic.

Mikey was the black sheep of their family, intelligent, organized and sensible. He was the main reason why WayBros Biologic Enterprises was the success it was. Mikey was spending more and more time with the business end of WBBE, fighting off the constant maneuverings of their rival Clandestine Industries and that left Gerard mostly unsupervised.

Which was not good. Not good at all, because Gerard could (and did) get into a lot of trouble on his own.

Rating: Explicit


9. 'Get Naked (I Got a Plan)' - autoschediastic 

Frank slides his hand all the way up to where Gerard's arm and tentacles fuse at his armpit. The difference between the feel of one beneath his palm and the other is literally the stuff his dreams are made of. His wet dreams.

Rating: Explicit


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