CHAPTER iii - The Road To Fame

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I was currently tuning my guitar the next morning when a car honked outside. I got up and headed to the front door.

"Wow, look at Nate and his big-ass ride." I whistled, admiring the brand-new Hummer parked outside our house.

Nate jumped off the monster truck and nodded nonchalantly. "Yeah, it's gonna be a long ride so I figured I'd take this."

Like my other bandmates, Nate and I go to school together. He was our lead guitarist, and a pretty good one at that. His parents owned a chain of hotels around the Tri-State area and being the only child, he was practically rolling in dough. He was also the one majorly financing our band, Third Degree Burn.

"So where are the others?" I asked, referring to Lexie and Blake. The plan was for us to be in one vehicle to save time and money.

"Blake's dead asleep in the back. Due to another hangover, I presume." He clucked disapprovingly.

"Well there's a surprise." I commented sarcastically. Blake was known for his love of booze and he was proud of it. While we all blatantly call him the ultimate alcoholic, he proudly labeled himself as The Great Drinking Enthusiast. Fucking smart-mouth. "What about Lexie? My calls are going straight to voicemail. She was supposed to be here like an hour ago."

Nate heaved a sigh and grudgingly said, "Maxx is driving her to the hotel. The lucky bastard." He laughed bitterly.

It was a known fact that Nate had this unrequited love for Lexie since the ninth grade but he was too hard-headed to admit it. Also, Lexie just shrugs it off whenever Nate flirts with her because she knows how much of  playboy he is. Talk about being friendzoned. Lexie introduced us to Maxx Evans last summer,  a college sophomore as her boyfriend and although Nate didn't show it, it was pretty obvious he was torn.

"Yeeeaaahh..." I said awkwardly. Nate was staring into space for a few minutes and I had to clear my throat real loud for him to snap out of it.

"So, you good to go?" He asked, concealing the blood rushing to his face.

"Yeah, okay. Let me just get my things."


The four-hour drive to Stratem Hotel was what you'd expect a four-hour drive would be if you were with two teenage boys with raging hormones. Lots of smoking, food and booze-binging, loud snores, disgusting belches and farts, hooting and cat-calling at dumb bimbos and getting pulled over by the cops for overspeeding. Luckily, I charmed our way out of that possible mess, reasoning out that we were in a hurry to go to a hospital where our friend was in his deathbed.

I should've handed these retards to the police when I had the chance. I wistfully thought to myself as Nate and Blake resumed their crazy antics, four minutes and fifty-two seconds after we got pulled over. Yes, I counted. That was how miserable I was to be stuck with those two. I made a mental note to give Lexie a hell of a sermon for leaving me to fend for myself against these dickwads. I gritted my teeth and watched as Nate and Blake smoked their fucking lungs out. Ugh my life.

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