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Blake and Nate were nowhere in sight when I returned to our suite. I flopped on the nearest couch and turned on the television.

What the hell just happened back at the bar?

After practically spilling his personal life to me, Kaleb McCoy went home but not before making me promise that I would help him reconnect with Nate. I had no choice but to agree since my sorry little snoopy ass was the one who offered to help him in the first place.

“I'll see you tonight then?” Kaleb had asked me earlier.

I gave him a bewildered look. “Why would we see each other tonight?”

“To formulate our plan regarding Nate, of course. And I want to see you guys play. So, tonight?”

Hot damn, he looks so sexy when he smiles.

Uhh... Yeah,sure! We'll see what we would come up with!” I stammered distractedly. “Or you know, we could forget this whole Brother Reconnection thing altogether!” I added jokingly, desperately trying to conceal the truth in my voice.

He chuckled lightly and got up, ready to leave. “See you then.” He flashed me another smile which had my insides tying up in a complicated knot.

The sound of raucous laughter broke my train of thoughts and Blake's ash-blonde hair came into view, followed by two girls who were at his side.

“Oh! Hey Jojo, what's up brah?” Blake slurred, undoubtedly drunk—yet again.

“Dude, if you're gonna get wasted again and throw up on one of the judges like you did the last time, I swear I'm gonna murder you. We still have to play this evening, remember?” I reminded him.

“Psshh! It's all good, Jojo. I'm swell. I am the Great Drinking Enthusiast! Man has yet invented the drink that could knock me out cold!” He gave a ridiculous gesture with his hands, like he was the king of the world, waving dramatically at his loyal subjects. “Anyway, lemme introduce you to my new found friends, Paula and Caroline.”

“Hi!” The two girls chorused. Both were skinny and tanned, like they spent days rolling around in a truck of Doritos or something, both were dressed in halter-tops, micro-mini skirts and kitten heels. Even their platinum-blonde shoulder length extensions were identical. Honestly, they looked like the anorexic version of the Olsen twins but I'm not saying that out loud.

“Hi! Nice to meet you both.” I said instead, eyeing Blake's latest conquests.

“Right, well introductions have been made. Girls, it's time we bid adieu to dear Jojo here. Let's head to the interrogation room as I am very curious for us to get to know each other deeper.” Blake raised his eyebrows suggestively and grinned at me.

The two girls gave high pitched giggles and followed Blake to his designated room.

Gross. I shook my head in amazement and absentmindedly glanced at the clock. Two hours before showtime. Oh , I am so not ready for this.


I got home a lot happier than I ever was in years. It almost made me laugh how the thin-like possibility of reconciliation with my brother gave me a burst of optimism and somewhat posed a brighter outlook in life. I know I shouldn't assume so much, but I have a strange feeling that this time, everything will turn out for the better.

Except for the fact that you are relying on the help of a strange geeky-dressed rocker chick with Halloween makeup. I smiled at my own thoughts and my mind drifted to one of the weirdest afternoons I have had. It was unlike me to spill the contents of my heart to someone I barely know but the words ebbed uncontrollably out of my mouth the moment Jo's warm gaze met mine. I shook my head and stared at the photo of me and Nate at the beach. The last photo we've had before the unfortunate incident.

My phone rang, breaking me out of my reverie and a smile tugged at the corner of my mouth as I glanced at the caller id. “Hey baby, how's it going?”

“Nothing much, sweetie. Just checking up on how you and your brother's talk went.”

I felt a warm glow inside me as I heard Candace's voice. We have been together for almost two years now and it's amazing how I still fall in love with her a little more each day. I flipped on the television and flopped with a sigh. “Nate was as unpredictable as ever, but there have been some developments since I last tried to talk to him. At least he acknowledges my presence now, and does not pretend like I was wearing an Invisibility Cloak or something.”

Candace laughed throatily at my feeble attempt at humor and I could just picture her rolling her eyes like she always does when I make lame jokes. “Yeah, because Harry Potter references definitely turn a girl on, babe.”

It was my turn to give a raspy chuckle. “Haven't you heard? Geeky is the new sexy.”

I heard Candace give a nervous laugh and sighed. “Two more months, Nerd Boy.”

Candace was a Biology major and she was currently in Luxemburg for a five-month case study. This was by far the longest time we have been apart and the thought of having her so far away is driving me insane.

After ten more minutes of talking, Candace hastily said goodbye, saying she has to get back to her research.

 I found myself staring at me and Nate's picture again, reminiscing the times when our family was still complete. Celebrating Thanksgiving, spur-of-the-moment out of town trips, karaoke nights at the local bar. I know it's a preposterous idea to even consider, but I can't help but fervently hope that those times will happen again. Maybe not in the immediate future, but soon.

I went to my study and excitedly thought of what me and Jo will come up with  regarding our “Plan: Bronnection” as she playfully calls it. I heaved a sigh and silently watched the clock as the minutes turned into hours. Tonight is gonna be the best night ever.


I gave an exaggerated sigh as I put another coat of mascara to my lashes and frantically looked at my digital watch, and as I did so, I felt something lurch at the pit of my stomach as the numbers flickered in front of me. I don't usually get stage fright but it's a totally different story when I'm playing my electric guitar. I have my precious instrument acting as a bulletproof vest from the sudden urges of shyness plus I don't have to utter a single sound and make a fool out of myself. I secretly love to sing, but I have not sung even a single stanza with the band, much less in front of a huge crowd. I've been texting curses to Lexie nonstop and I felt better for a nanosecond as I mentally strangled her with my bare hands.

I felt a hand squeezing my shoulder and I looked up to see Nate smiling at me.

“Hey, are you okay?” I stood up, my face etched with concern as I remembered the scene at the bar.

Nate's smile grew wider and I saw for the first time how he and Kaleb looked alike. “Don't you think I should be the one asking you that question? You look like you've seen the ghost of Davey Jones or something.”

Trust Nate to make the lamest joke ever.

I snorted at his decrepit attempt at humor.” I'm fine. I'm doing this for the band, and if it means making a fool out of myself, then so be it. I'd take one for the team anytime.” I said heroically, all the while watching Nate as he rolled his eyes repeatedly.

“Such a convincing drama queen, Jojo. Bravo.” He mused. “But seriously, you really want to do this? You wanna back out or something?”

I eyed him skeptically. “Can I?”

“Nope, I just said that out of courtesy. Of course you can't back out. Silly girl.” He gave me a toothy grin.

“Yep, that's what I thought.” I sighed dejectedly.

“You ready?”

Like I have a chance to say no.

I nodded, stood up and snatched the bottle of tequila from Blake, who just entered the room.

“Ready as I'll ever be. Let's give 'em one heck of a performance.”

I was so not ready. Tonight's gonna be the worst night ever.

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