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“And now, for our next contender. rocking all the way from Ellewood, East California... Get yo' freak on for Third Degree Burn!”

I wanted to roll my eyes at the host's cheesy introduction but the moment he introduced our band, I felt everything go into slow motion. The screaming of the crowd was drowned by how loud my heart was pounding and I desperately wanted to run backstage and curl into a ball for all eternity but my feet felt like they weighed a thousand tons. Each. I couldn't move and if it wasn't for Nate and Blake whispering words of encouragement and practically dragging me to the stage, I would've cowered up and left.

Okay, now is seriously not a good time to pass out. I scolded myself as my knees wobbled as I grasped the microphone.

I heard Nate's flawless bass opening solo, followed by the faint thump thump of Blake's drum execution and that was when I realized I had to find my voice if I don't want to screw things up.

I mustered all the strength I had, called out all the saints I always hear my mom praying to, strummed my guitar, took deep, ragged breaths and opened my mouth to sing.

I may burn out like a candle, and I may pass away

I may fall just like a shooting star, but my heart will stay.

I'll be yours and yours forever, forever I'll be true

To the promise I have made from the day that I found you.

With every word I uttered, with every line I delivered, I discovered happiness like no other emotion I have ever felt. I was filled with so much confidence and I can literally feel all my inhibitions fade away. I gently swayed my hips in time with Blake's drums, bobbed my head to the rhythm of Nate's strumming and tapped my foot in response to the crowd's cheers.

Oh my effin God. This is really happening!

Forever you're in my heart, even if we're apart

I say forever I'll be yours, forever I love you.

My love with never fade away even if I die

And I will love you until the end of time, even without your smile

So help me please, I beg you

Don't walk away, I need you.

Midway through the song, I spotted Kaleb among the throng of people, his gaze focused solely at me, seemingly oblivious to the wild crowd. I instantly blushed and I thanked the heavens for the bright halogen lights in front of me, as they did a fuckintastic job at not exposing my inability to hide my school girl emotions.

I gave a little wave at Kaleb's direction and he gave me one of those disarming smiles that would have girls swooning at his very feet.

I wonder how those soft lips would feel crushed into mine?

Whoa. I'm seriously going mental. Must. Act. Cool.

Concentrate on the friggin' song, Jo. Don't give in to the beckoning of your loins. I scolded myself mentally.

Stay with me and be by my side.

Take my hand and we'll work it out

Until forever...


I could still hear the crowd chanting our band's name as we headed backstage. Nate was grinning from ear to ear while Blake looked high as fuck, which, based from years of scrutinizing his facial expressions, only meant one thing: He was sure we would win.

I felt elated as my two band mates, and I clutched my electric guitar tighter, still feeling surreal.

I actually did it! Oh my God. I cheered inwardly, not really concerned how crazy I must look right then, hugging my guitar and smiling like an idiot with a glazed look in my eyes.

“So, we're headed to the bar to chill while waiting for the final results. Does our awesome back-up vocalist care to join us?” Blake said, expertly twirling his drum sticks.

We were back in our suite, resting as the winner of the battle of the bands won't be announced until much later, and because we were lucky enough to be one of the bands who performed first, we had time to take a breather.

“Yeah, Jo. Let's celebrate!” Nate agreed.

Celebrate? We haven't even won yet! Boys and their huge-ass egos. “Nah, I think I'm gonna take a rain check guys. I still haven't gotten over the fact that Lexie blew us off and forced me to sing. I'm fucking pissed.” I replied, which was only half of the truth, but still. The real reason was because I wanted to be on my own, relishing my one-time performance on stage with a bunch of people appreciating what I did.

Blake stopped his twirling act and eyed me warily. “You seemed to enjoy what you were doing on stage though. And I think the crowd was more responsive with you than with Lexie. You got that whole rocker chick vibe going on, what with your nerdy t-shirts and killer guitar solos.” He pointed at my Live Long and Prosper statement t-shirt and nodded appreciatively.

Oh, I forgot to mention. Aside from proclaiming himself as the Booze God, Blake was also convinced that he was this hot-shot music critic and that if he wasn't in a band, he would probably end up being a judge on a crappy singing contest or something.

I shrugged off his criticism and closed my eyes. Okay, I admit. I kind of  liked singing on stage, and after my impromptu performance, I kind of craved for more.

But I'm not going to admit that to these assholes.

“Thanks, Simon. I would surely remember that when I audition for American Fucking Idol.” I said sarcastically with a fake British accent.

Blake just stuck out his tongue at me and impatiently nudged Nate. “Let's go get wasted, bro.”

“So, what about it Jojo? You coming? Or do we have to drag you again to the bar?” Nate asked calmly. I immediately stood up. I have been in this kind of situation before and I know the bastard's not bluffing. He will drag my ass if he really has to.

I applied another coat of mascara and beat them to the door. “Last one at the bar gets to buy me the most expensive drink!”

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