CHAPTER iV - Change Of Plans

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After the painstakingly long trip, we finally arrived at our destination. I jumped off the monster truck and instantly reeled backwards as I saw the hotel in front of us.

"Holy, guacamole, look at the size of that thing!" I stuttered, amazed by the grandeur of the hotel. I'm not one who knows much about architecture and stuff, and I seldom care what a building looks like but this time it's different. A five-star rating wouldn't do justice to the hotel's majestic--- ermm.. majesticness?

"Yeah, pretty cool isn't it?" Nate shrugged simply but a bit of sarcasm in his voice was obvious.

The fuck's problem with this one? Still moping about Lexie blowing us off, I guess. I chuckled amusedly.

We checked in and did a double-take as the hotel attendant opened the door to our suite.

We all gaped at the enormity of the room. The floor was marbled tiles, there were expensive-looking sofas and couches everywhere. A plasma television was plastered next to a wall adorned with paintings. There were four doors, one lead to the balcony, displaying a breathtaking view of the California beach, one to the modern kitchen and the other two doors lead to separate bedrooms.

"Jesus H. Christ. Who are we, fucking Metallica?" Blake managed to choke out.

Nate sauntered towards one of the humongous rooms and flopped on the king-sized four-poster bed. "I requested for an upgrade. No big deal."

"What the hell were you thinking? Nate, I know you're fucking Richie Rich, but don't you think this is a little over the top?" I demanded.

Nate just looked at me with an air of nonchalance and I was seriously considering the thought of shoving his head up his ass.

"Yeah dude, what the hell?" Blake interjected and I mentally thanked him for being reasonable. "We could've bought expensive liquor with that money! Or-or have our way with them bitches!"

Oh for the love of God. I was about to rant off obscenities at him but Nate cut me off.

"Guys, guys! It's fine. Okay? My parents own this damn hotel, so it's all good." So he does own the place. The lucky asshole. "Just zip it, both of you. Jo, calm down. We're cool. Go have your beauty rest or whatever it is that you chicks do." I opened my mouth to react but a sharp stare from him made me purse my lips. "And as for you Blake, go get drunk, bang some bitches or somethin'."

I was about to ask him if he was on his period to be this moody but I decided against it. Nate was a good guy. He was still probably angry at Lexie and her loverboy Maxx. My thoughts wandered at the absurdity of their situation as I made my way to the other gorgeous room and lied on the soft mattress. I mean, it was pretty obvious they both liked each other but both were also stubborn asses, both too proud to admit their feelings--even to themselves.

My phone rang and I squinted at the screen. Speaking of the devil. "Hey, where you at biatch?"

Lexie's sweet voice crackled over the phone. "Heeey sweetie, how are yah? You at the rich kid's hotel yet?"

I stared incredously at the phone."Lexie, are you drunk?"

On cue, Lexie answered my question with a resonating hiccup and giggled. "A bit." Giggle.

"Hey, Jojojojo. Listen... I'm with Maxx right now and we're on our way to Rhode Island." Giggle.

I swear if she giggles one more time, I'm gonna push her back to her mother's womb.

"I can't make it to the gig, babydoll. I'm sorry."

It took me a while to realize what she was saying as I was busy processing the fact that she was drunk out of her mind and that they were going to Rhode Island. Which was a good fucktillion miles away from Stratem Hotel.

Then it hit me.

Anger surged all throughout my body as she kept blabbering about how awesome Maxx was and how hard his abs were and did I know that he works out six times a week? Like fuck I cared.

"Lexie, what are you talking about? What about our friendship? What about the band? What about being famous and making it imainstream? What about those poor children in the orphanage, who's gonna feed them?" I knew I was exaggerating just a tad bit but so much was on the line.

"Whoa whoaa! Calm your horses, Johaira!"

"Do. Not. Call. Me. That." I spit, each word more venomous than the last.

I heard Lexie chuckle on the other end of the line. "Okay, okay. Jo. First of all, you are way over your head, woman! I'll be gone for three days, tops. And here's my proposal. I promise to give you my full consent to murder me, Maxx and our families if I don't show up on the fourth day. How's that for a deal?"

I can imagine her smilng from wherever she was and I can't help but smile myself. Dammit, I can't stay mad at this girl.

"You fucking be sure Lexie or you are good as dead." Then realizing something, I spoke again. "So who's gonna replace you?" Sometimes in Lexie's absence, we hire freelance vocalists but usually we give them a call at least a week before showtime.

"Oh duuur! Hunney, you of course!" Lexie spoke it in a way as if it was totally the most obvious solution of all.

I looked at the phone in disbelief. "I BEG YOUR PARDON?? Hell to the fucking no!"

"Well then I guess you guys will just have to miss the biggest event of our band's career, eh Jo?" Her answer came quickly... too quickly, as if it was her plan all along.

Damn. She knows very well all hell would break lose first before I let that happen.

The bitch.

"I'm gonna skin you alive and feed you to the fucking piranhas." With that, I ended the call. I may have pressed the end button a little too hard when I heard a faint crack coming from my phone's screen.

Damn my superhuman strength.


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