Chapter V - Meeting The Golden Boy

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After the irritating talk with Lexie, I immediately headed to the hotel's fuckintastic bar and ordered a margarita. I instantly felt a sense of warmth on the first sip. Oh the wonders of alcohol. I found Nate slouched behind the counter, downing a whole bottle of whiskey.

"Hey, hey. Easy with JD." I put an arm on his shoulder and playfully sat on his lap. Nate was like a brother to me, we've been friends for years now and so physical contacts with him were perfectly normal.

"Oof! You've gained so much weight, you fattie!" He groaned, teasing me like he always did.

"Shut up, you dweeb!" I ruffled his hair. I know how he hates it when people touch his hair, let alone mess with it. His hair was like his most prized possession or something.

Yes, my friends are weird like that.

"Oh-hoh! You are so dead, Johaira!" He tickled me on my side which caused me to lose my balance. We both tumbled off the bar stool and to the floor, me on top of him. I must've been hurt so bad because later that day, I found a few bruises on my butt, but at that moment nothing really mattered. We burst into fits of laughter and can't seem to stop. We were in that somewhat compromising position when someone cleared their throat.

I raised my head to have a clear look at the throat clearer and almost dropped my jaw.

Holy fothermucker, is there a convention of hotties in this hotel or what?

"Throat-clearer" was a fucking drop-dead gorgeous guy who was staring at me and Nate like we were mating mammals. He was wearing dark khakis and a clearly expensive hoodie which did nothing to hide his broad chest and hard abs. Mmm. His hair was hazelnut brown and covered his gorgeous grey eyes a bit. I must have drooled right there and then because he tilted his head sideways and furrowed his thick but perfectly-shaped eyebrows. I instinctively raised my hand to wipe the drool--imaginary or not--off my face.

He turned his attention to Nate who was still sprawled on the cold floor and grinned, showing off those perfect pearly whites. "Hey, what's up bro? Mom and Dad told me you'd be here. Long time no see!"




I got to Stratem Hotel the moment my parents told me that Nate was in town, after months of not coming home. Although technically, he was at the hotel and not at home--but still, and so I wasted no time and took off. I haven't seen my brother in almost seven years, not counting the three-second long glimpses I get to see him whenever I'm home from school vacations and my excitement was pretty much sky-high.

I practically dashed to the bar where Nate was, ignoring the stares I got from people, especially the ladies. I shrugged it off. I was basically used to this kind of attention. Everywhere I go, at least half of the crowd would stop what they're doing just to gape at me. I don't know what their problem is, and right know I really don't have the leisure to pose my concern as the posh bar came to view.

Aaaand there was Nate. Sprawled on the floor, straddling a girl as always--or in this case, the girl was the one on top, her curly red hair bouncing everytime she laughs. I had the sudden urge to take off and leave them be but then decided against it. This might be my only chance at redemption, and I was not dumb enough to let this pass, for crying out loud.

I stood there uncomfortably, witnessing their very public display of affection until I couldn't stand it any longer. I cleared my throat but they were still on the floor, laughing uncontrollably. By now, people were giving them strange looks and so I cleared my throat again, louder this time, and it got the red-haired girl's attention.

What I first noticed were those bright brown eyes, tactfully hidden by black eyeliner and tons of coats of mascara. She wore a Darth Vader t-shirt and uber-short shorts which showed her perfectly toned legs. I don't know what's gotten into me but at that instance, I wanted to cover her delicate body with my sweater and shut her out to the world. Her dark-red lips slightly parted as she turned her attention to me and so I mimicked the same reaction she gave.

Not wanting her to brand me as a creep, I stopped staring at her and scolded myself inwardly. I'm here to reconcile with my brother, not to ogle at weirdly-dressed girls. I gave Nate the biggest smile I could muster and spoke the lines I've been rehearsing all morning. "Hey, what's up bro? Mom and Dad told me you'd be here. Long time no see!"

I saw his whole aura changed as he got up and looked at me like I was some kind of demented freak.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Typical Nate to spit curses on our every meeting.

"Why, hello to you too my dear brother. I'm doing just fine these past few years. Thanks for asking." The hint of sarcasm in my voice was very subtle but it was enough to make him fume. I waited patiently as he uttered a few more curses and gave me the occasional if looks could kill stares.

"Are you done now?" I asked, after all his profanities ran out.


I sighed and motioned for the two of them to sit at a nearby couch. "Wow, this place is awesome! I haven't been here for at least a month, look at the improvement!"

Nate cut me short and hissed, "Maybe what I said was to complex for your intelligence to understand, but let me repeat it anyway. What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing. Here."

I sighed again. Here goes nothing. "Look, Nate. I... I didn't know our parents were going to send me to that stupid school, okay? They told me they were going to drive me to our school first so I could take care of both our class schedules, next thing I know, I was on a private plane headed to Harvard. I didn't know Nate..."

Nate didn't even budge and just stared at me with eyes that resembled mine but colder and darker.

"Nate, please." I implored, but his face remained as distant as ever. He laughed bitterly and was about to launch into another swearing tirade when the red-headed girl interpolated.

"Sooo, you're Nate's brother. That's nice. Hi! I'm Jo, Nate's friend and bandmate. And your name is...?" She looked at me expectantly, and throwing nervous glances at Nate every now and then.

"I'm Kaleb McCoy. Nate's older brother." I extended my hand for a handshake but Nate held her hand back.

"Cut the bullshit, Kaleb. You might get away by lying to other people but you sure as hell can't fool me. Why don't you go back to your brilliant school with your brilliant friends because that's where your brilliant ass belongs."

I flinched at his words but still managed to maintain the smile plastered to my face.

Deep breaths, Kaleb. Deep breaths. "I am not going to talk back to that, Nate. Let me make it up to you. We're brothers, man. C'mon! Just... Let me reach out." I searched his eyes for forgiveness but found none. "Meet me halfway here, Nate."

Nate wasn't even listening to me now. He just gulped down the remaining content of the whiskey he was drinking and stood up. "Whatever. Do what you have to do but don't expect me to give a flying rat's ass because as far as I know, you are dead to me."

And with that, he walked smoothly out of the bar, leaving me and Jo staring after him dumbfounded. After minutes of what seemed to be thinly-veiled scrutiny from the other side of the couch, Jo spoke up, placing her hands under her chin.

"So... Nate's disowned brother. Spill."

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