fourteen ; the forgotten times

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xiv. the forgotten times

━ ❝ i think i do love you ❞

━ ❝ i think i do love you ❞

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NEVERLAND WAS SOMETHING of a dream. With the stars in the sky, lost boys dancing around a fire to music, and a family in her arms, the island couldn't have been real. But it was. Arabella sat on a log while she watched her newfound friends play around the flames, whooping. Henry was the only one not celebrating. She would occasionally glance at him to make sure he was okay. Pan was close by, sitting with his pan flute in hand. The immortal boy's eyes flickered up to see the Mills child not dancing. Getting up himself, he went and sat in front of him. Arabella was drawn to the scene, using her magic to listen to their conversation. Her former mission still stood. Keep Henry safe. Even if Pan meant no harm, there was still that uncertainty lingering inside of her.

"You don't want to join in the celebration, Henry?" Pan asked, sliding onto the log with a fake smile.

Henry shook his head, keeping his expression emotionless. "Nothing to celebrate."

Pan looked to be a bit upset with that, but he stayed patient, keeping his tone calm. "Nothing to celebrate?" He chuckled. "Henry, this whole party is to celebrate you."

Arabella picked at the log she sat on, sparing a single look over at Pan, he didn't notice her quick glance. If he did, he didn't show it. She could tell that something was off about the leader. Even though they knew each other, that didn't mean she completely trusted him. At least not until her memories were returned to her. When she did, she finally could trust him fully.

"Me? Why? Why not Arabella too?" Henry questioned.

She smiled slightly at the boy's comment, crossing her legs over one another, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Pan looked over at her at the mention of the former princess. He gazed at her before breaking out of the trance and looking back over at Henry. "Because you've come to save magic, of course. Aria is here for another reason but that's not important right now. But I, for one, can't think of a reason more deserving of celebration than saving magic. Just look at them."

Henry glanced at the dancing lost boys. "I'm not like them. Or you."

The teenage boy scoffed in reply. "Sure you are. You're still a boy." He got an idea and grabbed his pan flute. "Maybe a song will get you on your feet." Once he blew into the pipe, beautiful music came out. She shut her eyes, letting out a sigh of content because of how calming it sounded.

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