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01. Of pain.

Songs: fake it by Bastille.
              Ko Ko Bop by EXO.
         Diamond by EXO.


Oliver Bear Segel was shocked.

His eyes are wide, his lips are parted and he's just...stiff. The first thing to hit him was the feeling of disbelief because there's no other way he can describe what he was seeing.

Right in front of him, past the scattered clothes and right on their bed was his fiancée, Joseph Ealey and he wasn't alone. Bouncing on Joseph's dïck was Oliver's best friend, Ellie. She's got a hand grabbing her boobs and the other on Joseph's waist and...that wasn't all. Yes, Ellie was on Joseph's dick, however, the icing on the cake was the strange man sitting on Joseph's face.

Olly wanted to scream as he watched his fiancée rim a stranger and fůck his bestfriend. This had to be the bangfest of the year and tears were already rushing forward but the funny thing is they didn't blur what he was seeing. None of them had heard him come in or maybe they had and just ignored it.

The second thing to hit him was anger.

His best friend since they were in diapers was riding his fiancée like it was her one goal in life. His fiancée eating out this blonde fucking stranger and what made Olly's anger rise a notch were the groans and moans and before he could think twice about it, he grabbed the first thing his hand came in contact with and threw it. He watched the lamp slam into the bedside table and smashed into hundreds of pieces, successfully breaking up the menage et trois happening.

Tears were rolling down Olly's cheeks now as he kept throwing things at the three of them. What had he done to deserve this? He's been engaged to Joseph for four years, he moved away from his sick parents because of the useless son of a bïtch, he quit his job as a flight attendant because freaking Joseph wanted him to be at home more often and this is how the stupid ass repays him? Like this? Fucking his best friend and a stranger?


Olly was fucking disgusted. By his fiancée or should he say ex-fiancée now, his best friend and this stranger. Joseph tore himself away from the blonde stranger's ass and stared at Oliver with wide eyes, Elle let out a loud scream and dragged the bedsheet until it covered her body while the stranger covered himself up with a pillow.

Olly stood there, dripping wet due to the pouring rain outside. His hair was flat against his head, his clothes were wet and it's not his fault. He had gone to work without taking an umbrella and when he had gotten the good news, he ran home –excited to tell Joseph the good news when he had walked in on something that would scar him for the rest of his life.

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