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Song: The Day I Dream by Kassy.


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Dead tired.

Olly feels like he's been awake for a thousand years and he just want to crawl into his bed and sleep. He let's out a groan and hits his head on the elevator wall closest to him and hit the button for the first floor. It's eight thirty and Miss Hopkins has been gone since seven but before leaving, she had dropped another huge stack of documents in front of Olly and had asked him to write a short review and now, it's eight thirty and all he wants to do is go home and fall asleep with half a mars bar in his mouth.

He's the only one in the elevator luckily and  he lets out another groan. He's just itching to pull off his pants and just walk around free but he's pretty sure he has to get home to do such or he might lose his job or possibly be arrested for indecent exposure.  Whichever one comes first.
The doors pulled open and Olly walks out, his hands already reaching up and packing his head into a loose bun.

"You should be casted for that tv show, The Walking Dead. You look like a zombie."
Olly was startled out of sleepy tired self and turned towards the direction of the voice and standing beside him was Sunny Wheeler in all his glory. The man pulled down his glasses down his nose a little and stared at Olly over the rims.

"Sunny, I'd love to chat, I swear but right now I think I'm seeing two of you and look man, I just want to sleep. The wicked witch had me working my ass off."

Sunny lets out a chuckle and wrapped an arm around Olly's shoulder, guiding him to the door. "The entire building knows. Do you want me to drive you home or ca-"

"Nah, my friends are waiting outside." Olly says as they near the revolving doors. Sunny nods and helps Olly towards the door.

Immediately they were outside, Olly spots Eden's Porsche and tells Sunny so. The man nods and waves Olly goodbye. Rami who had been leaning against the Porsche was the first to spot Olly, his face lightening up with his grin. He jogs the short distance towards Olly.

"You look rough." Rami says with a small frown on his face. "Is someone giving you a tough time? Do I need to give anyone a piece of my mind?"

Olly wants to tell his friend to have a go at Miss Hopkins but instead he just waves Rami off. "I'm fine. Just a little bit tired and sleepy." Olly replies and as they got closer to the car, Eden looked away from her phone and she snapped Olly out of his sleepy tired gaze by the loud scream she lets out.


She comes out of the car and walks over to Olly, pulling him into a tight hug. She squeeze him so tight that if he was a cartoon character his eyes would pop out of his head and roll away on the ground.

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