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Song: Glass Bridge by Savina and Drones.

Song: Glass Bridge by Savina and Drones

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Olly shrugs on his blazer and ran out the door, his phone pressed against his ear and his leather briefcase in his other hand as he ran down the street. He silently prays he hasn't missed the bus and let's out a loud sigh when he sees the bus just pull up. It's Monday and he's going to be late.

Rami's laughter was pouring in through the phone. "You almost missed it didn't you? What would you do without me?" the man laughed and Olly pouts as he smacks his card against the scanner. He finds a seat near the window and leans his head against the glass.

"You don't get to laugh. Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" Olly berates his friend.

Rami scoffs. "I woke you up before I left for my shift and you said you're fine. What was I to do?"

"Anything!" Olly whisper-yelled, glancing around to make sure no one was looking at him like he sprouted another head. The coast was clear so he focused on his friend.

"You don't get to yell at me! I did wake you, Eden even called you. So before you go spitting crap, check yourself!" Rami yelled, it was so loud it made Olly flinch. He checks his watch and bit his bottom lip in worry when he sees its seven thirty. He had thirty minutes to get to work and he had to be at most, five minutes early. He could already tell today wasn't going to be his day.

As if the gods were in agreement, his thirteen minute trip to 5th Avenue became fifteen.

"Look, babe, you've got to chill. It's a new day of your dream job, remember how long it took you to get this promotion, so calm yourself. You can do this." Rami says, his voice calm and soothing and Olly finds himself nodding.

"Thank you, Rami." Olly says sincerely as he gets down from the bus. He gets moving immediately his feets touches the ground. He clutches his bag as he made his way to the Café Shamir, it's been three years since he first met Rami and two since he met Eden and they've both become people Olly could rely on.

They stayed by his side, helped him search for jobs and a good apartment. Six months after Olly moves from his parents house to his new apartment, Rami and Eden both move to New York to open their start new lives. Rami opened his café and Eden got a publishing deal.

Inseparable, is the best word to describe the three of them and to top it off, Liam liked them both and that's saying something since Liam only liked Martha, Olly and new episodes of Supernatural. 

Olly ran into the café and made his way straight to the till, ignoring the murmurs of disagreement from the crowd, to where Rami was waiting with a tray holding two take away cups of coffee, both iced Americano. Rami had on a white shirt tucked into neatly pressed iron pants.

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