Insecure (Tom Holland)

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A/n- Trigger warning! This imagine will include one of the characters starving herself to become skinnier. 

You have been dating Tom for a few months now and you felt very happy with him, but lately you have been doubting yourself. Tom has been going to a lot of photo shoots with Zendaya and Laura and you started to  feel insecure about the way you looked. You never really loved the way your body looked. You always felt that your stomach was to big or your thighs were too fat. You were afraid that Tom would leave you for them so you decided that you needed a quick fix to looking skinnier. You started to eat less sometimes you would not eat at all. You have been doing this for a few weeks now and you started to look a little skinnier, but really you looks quite bony. One day Tom noticed something. 

"Hey love, are you okay?" Tom asked. "You've just looked very skinny, it looks like you haven't eaten much lately. Tom asked worriedly. 

"Of course I'm okay babe. I feel great and trust me I have been eating, I've just been on a diet." You say reassuringly. Tom looked at you with curiosity and then he decided to believe you.

The next day you woke up and you weren't feeling so great. You chose to ignore the feeling and you skipped breakfast. You and Tom were walking to a near by store to purchase some items when you started to see spots. You grabbed on to Tom's arm and you fell to the ground. 

"Y/n! Whats wrong!" Tom yelled with fear. "Y/n can you hear me!" Tom yelled even louder. Your head was spinning and your eyes started to shut. The last thing you heard was Tom calling 911. 

You wake up to the sounds of machines and you see that you are connected to many wires and tubes. Tom is sitting in the chair next to you. "Tom? What happened?" You asked him. 

"You passed out earlier." Tom sad. "Why did you pass out?" He questioned you. 

"I'm so sorry Tom I just wanted to be skinnier so you would not leave me for Zendaya or Laura." You cried. Tom sat on the edge of your bed and pulled you into a hug as you softly cried into his chest. Tom rubbed your back comfortingly. 

"Oh Y/n why would you ever think that?" Tom began. "You are so beautiful in so many ways. Your personality is amazing, you have such a perfect smile, and the cutest laugh. Even though your body was perfect before that never really mattered to me. I don't love you for who you are on the outside I love you for who you are on the inside." Tom said while making you look up at him. 

"You really think that?" You asked while your voice cracked. 

"Of course, I love you so much Y/n, no one could ever replace you no matter how you look." Tom cupped your face in his hands and pulled you into a kiss. You wrapped your arms around him and then he put his forehead against yours. "When we get home I'm going to make you a huge meal." Tom said with a smile. 

"That sounds great, I'm starving." You say and you both laughed lightly. 

A/n- I hope you enjoyed it and I just want to say that you all are so beautiful in many different ways regardless of how you look. Anorexia is a very serious disease that should not be taken lightly. You should never feel like you have to starve yourself to be beautiful. 

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