I felt his hands tighten on my shoulders as he began to shake me
"ABIGAIL!" He yelled
My eyes shot open as sweat dripped from my fore head I saw a worried Michael over me
"You okay Abigail?, you were screaming and thrashing yourself around" he asked worried
"Yes I'm fine just a nightmare" but the truth was I wasn't fine, it didn't feel like a nightmare it felt real, almost to real
"Well liam wants us down for breakfast" he said getting out of bed putting his shirt and pants back on
"Okay tell him I'll be down in a minute" i said heading over to my bathroom.
I stare at myself in the mirror, placing my hand on my neck felling were he grabbed me, I sighed and started to get dressed.
Today seemed a bit warmer so I decided on my black jean shorts with my combat boots and galaxy batman shirt, I grabbed my phone and cigarettes on my way down stairs. I look to see liam, Michael and some others at the table, I didn't really feel like breakfast so I just left.
I run my hands over the trees as I walk past them, my feet walking over the spring flowers, I gasped as I came to a clearing it was all flowers now tall grass or trees just flowers, it was astonishing.
I sat in the middle of the clearing playing with the flowers when a little something caught my eye, it was a small book like a journal.
It looked quite beat ant tattered, the binding almost falling off I open to the first page as it read
16th of May 1987
Dear diary,
I saw him
He was absolutely perfect, but he doesn't notice me, I'm nothing but a shadow to him.
How can I get him to notice me, all I can think about is his perfect green eyes his perfect lips, his perfect hair.
I love him but he'll never know
His parent don't go to kindly to servants especially ones who are I love with there son, and who's parents disown there child because there not 'perfect' enough for them.
So basically me.
Goodbye for now
- Anna
"Wow" I breathed out as I got to the end
I felt bad for Anna, it sounded like she had a hard life according to the diary, I decided to take it home with me and to try and find out more about the mysterious Anna.
"EXCUSE ME, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE THIS IS PRIVATE PROPERTY" I heard someone tell from behind the trees, I put the book into the bad and bolting off through the trees and back to the main road.
I had my hands on my knees as I breathed heavily, when I finally regained my breath I continued down the road to the shopping centre.
Most girls my age would be going to places like forever 21 and other girly places, but with me it's different I head straight for hot topic my favourite store of all.
As I scanned the racks of clothes I seen a body fill the space next to me, I looked over the boy and seen he had a Strachey in his ear and a lip piercing, to say the least he looked hot.
"Hi, my names Noah and you are?" The boy who's name was Noah turned and said to me
" hey Noah I'm Abigail"
"I like that name"
"Thankyou" I smiled
"So what exactly are you looking for in the girls section Noah?" I laughed not looking at him
"Nothing really, I just seen a cute girl and decided to talk to her"
"Me? Cute? Never.." I laughed in disbelief
"Telling it how I see it" he laughed back, he seemed like a nice guy, but they all start out to be nice guys
"So Abigail, how about tomorrow you join me for lunch at the dinner around the corner?" Noah asked biting his lip, turning to me
"Sure, why not?" I shrugged
"Cool, I'll see you there at 12:30" he said heading out of the shop but not before slipping a piece of paper into my pockets
It didn't feel right, there wasn't anything with Noah not like there is with zayn, like just by hearing his voice or laugh just makes me happy, I have never felt like this before, not even with Damian.
When I got back to the apartment no one was there, like literally no one, I decided to take a shower.
I put my phone on the speaker and started to play sleeping with sirens, I sang along with the fabulous kellin Quinn, unaware to the world around me not even realising that zayn had come back.
Zayns pov
I heard the shower running upstairs, I didn't know who was home, as I got closer to she bathroom I heard singing coming from inside, it was higher pitched than Liam's so it must have been Abigail.
I must say she has an absolute beautiful voice, I sat next to the door listening to the sweet, sweet sounds of her voice.
"Zayn?" I look up to see liam standing next to me
"Shhh" I said holding a finger to my lips
He was in awe,I guess this must have been the first time he heard her Sing.
Singing is just another talent to add to the list.
Hey, I just want to say with all of this the story is based in England but I'm from Australia and have no idea about the seasons and when they are so please don't say anything.
Anyway hope you enjoyed it.

Im Nothing Like my brother!
FanfictionYeh I'm bad, I smoke, I drink, I got tattoos and I got to parties, what's wrong with that. Well I'll tell you what's wrong i just got busted again and my mum said that's it last chance broken, so now I'm on my way to live with my brother. I'm you...