All She Had

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Riley looked up from her desk to see Maya entering their dorm wearing the same clothes as the previous day, "Peaches? Have you been out all night?"

"Yeah. I saw that you were occupied last night so I found something to keep myself busy," she said bitterly.

"What's wrong?" Riley rose from her seat and went to hug Maya, "Wow. You don't smell too great right now."

"Don't care. Just leave me alone, Riley." Maya pushed her away and walked towards her bed, kicking her shoes off in the process. She collapsed on top of her comforter, and pulled her pillow into her chest like a child would its teddy bear.


"Please. Just go away." The tears began to form in her eyes; they stung, desperate to fall. She wouldn't let them flow until Riley was gone. "Leave. Go find your girlfriend."

"Maya, I..."

Maya turned and barked, "I said go! I don't want you here!"

Riley was stunned. She stood motionless while looking at Maya, her jaw slack.

"You know what, I'll go. I just can't be near you right now."

"No," Riley insisted. "If you want me to leave, then I'll leave." She grabbed her purse off the floor and left their room hastily, glancing over her shoulder as she went.

Maya was alone. Finally, she let the tears cascade down her face.

She remembered the previous night, well some of it anyway. The alcohol, the drugs, the... what she had done in the restroom. It all had made the pain stop for a while. Now it was back, and this time it was stronger; it was now mixed with regret.

" I need more ," Maya typed in her phone to a contact she had saved the night before.

A few minutes later she had a response: " $30 for 1/4. "

" I'll take it. "

" Meet me in the lot behind Paco's in 45 minutes. Exact cash. "

"Well, I guess it's safe to say you enjoyed yourself last night," the brunette said with a smirk as Maya approached her behind the restaurant.

"I have your money. Let's just get this over with."

The other girl brought her hand up to Maya's face, caressing it with the back of her hand. Maya flinched at her touch.

"What's wrong? You liked it last night."

The tears started to pool in Maya's eyes.

"Tell you what. This," she held a small bag up in front of the blonde's face, "can be on the house if you allow me a little more of last night's fun."

Maya spat in anger, "Take. The. Money."

"Fine, here," The girl huffed as she accepted the money from Maya and did the exchange. "I'll be at the bar again tonight if you change your mind."

She did change her mind. Every night in fact. She always found herself back at the bar or one just like it. Maya was reckless. She had hookups almost nightly. Every girl she was with reminded her of Riley. Maya pretended they were her, and she was always so drunk and stoned out of her mind that she could live out that fantasy. Nearly everyone in the bars she visited hit on her, but if they weren't a thin Caucasian brunette with medium length hair she wanted no part. Maya couldn't have the real thing, some other girl got that, but damn if she wouldn't pretend for a little while. It was all she had.

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