Thunder and Lightning

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Author's Note: This chapter contains strong sexual content.

"Hello, Ms. Hunter, I hope you are having a pleasant day," Dr. Evans said as she entered the room, closing the door behind her.

Maya, who previously had her head resting in her hands, looked up, "I've had better." She answered honestly, not being able to remember a pleasant day since she had visited the clinic a few days prior. Riley sat in the chair next to Maya, her hand resting on the blonde's thigh.

"Well, hopefully I can make it better," the doctor spoke. She smiled down at the girls happily, "I have your results here. Everything was negative."

"It's over?" Maya asked, a gleam of hope in her eyes. Riley looked over at her while squeezing Maya's leg happily at the news.

Dr. Evans nodded, "Yes. It appears the antibiotics worked and have taken care of the chlamydia you previously tested positive for. I do hope you will be more careful in the future. While you lucked out this time, next time it could be even more serious. Not all STDs are curable."

"Of course. Thank you for everything, Dr. Evans."

"It's my pleasure. Unless you have any questions, you are free to go."

"No, we're good," the blonde responded. Dr. Evans nodded as she reached for the door to see her next patient. Maya tried to contain her excitement until her and Riley were alone. The second the door closed, Maya pulled Riley in for a hug as she exclaimed, "I'm clean, Riles! This nightmare is over!"

Riley's smile was just as wide as her girlfriend's, "I am so happy for you, Peaches."

They made their way out of the clinic and onto the busy New York streets. Maya turned to Riley, "We should go out and celebrate."

The brunette looked down to lock eyes with Maya's gaze, "I think it's time we go home."

"You don't want to celebrate? Everything is finally behind us," Maya explained, confusion heavy in her voice. "I would have thought you'd want to go out."

"I do want to celebrate," she continued. "I just think we should go home."


Riley could see Maya struggling to work through what she was saying, "Peaches, I'm ready to go home."

As if a light was turned on in the blonde's head, her eyes lit up with understanding, "Oh, you're ready. You're ready ready?"

A small laugh escaped Riley's lips as she nodded, "Yes."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Maya, I'm sure," she assured her.

Maya bit down on her lower lip, attempting to contain her smile, "Okay, then let's go home." She could not believe it was actually going to happen. She felt like she burst with love and excitement. Still, Maya knew they were moving fast and worried about Riley, "Are you worried we're rushing things? Technically we've only been together a few months."

"With anyone else, yes," Riley answered, turning to look at her girlfriend. "Not with you. I've loved you for as long as I can remember."

They walked home in silence, occasionally stealing glances at one another. It felt like they were middle school hand holders again, except they were adults on their way to do a very adult activity.

Soon they were outside the apartment building. Maya gave the brunette's hand a gentle squeeze, "Go on up, Riles. I need to take care of something. I will be right behind you."

Riley looked at her confused, "Is this anything I need to be worried about?"

Maya frowned, "No. Please trust me?"

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