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Maya woke up in her childhood bedroom, taking a moment to realize where she was. It had been over a year since she had spent a night within these walls, and it would also be her last.

She looked around and thought about how different things were now than when she was growing up here. The Maya who called this room her home was one who lived in a world of secrets. First there had been the secret of her sexuality, and even after she came out there was the secret of loving her best friend. But now, so many years later, she was waking up here because today was the day she would marry the best friend she fell for so many years ago.

The room had not changed much, but she had. There was still the crack in the wall where Gimbo used to live and paint stains on the floor from various art projects. When Shawn had moved in he offered to pay for her to do renovations, but she had refused. Maya had always been one for tradition and nostalgia. The bay window had been her safe space, but her room had been with her since the very beginning. Now she was grown and had no use for bay windows or run down bedrooms. Her home was with the same person it had always been since the age of six, and in just a few short hours that person would be her wife.

There was a knock at the door and the voice of her mother called out, "You awake, baby girl?"

"Yeah, Mom," she answered back, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. "Just in here thinking."

Slowly Katy opened the door to find Maya sitting in the middle of the floor, "What are you thinking about?" She sat down next to her daughter and bumped her shoulder with her own.

"How amazingly lucky my life turned out to be," Maya confessed in awe. "Somehow hope is for suckers Maya Hart got everything she ever dreamed of. A dad who loves her, a mom who is always there when she needs her and doesn't have to work constantly, and a beautiful girl who truly loves her back. Sometimes it still feels like a dream, ya know?"

Katy threw her arm around Maya, "It's real, baby girl, and no one deserves a happy ending more than you."

"Alright, my beautiful ladies," Shawn came strolling into the room, "let's get this show on the road."

"I'm getting married today," Maya said in disbelief, "to Riley Matthews."

"Sure are, kiddo," he extended his hand to help her off the floor. "Best not make your bride wait."


Across town Riley was still sleeping soundly. Like Maya she had gone home with her parents and stayed in her old room for the night.

Topanga stood at the edge of the room, leaning against the doorframe, simply watching her daughter sleep.

"Shouldn't we wake her?" Cory asked as he appeared behind his wife.

"Just give her another minute," she said. "This will be the last time our baby ever sleeps in that bed."

"We knew this day would come," Cory admitted. "Doesn't make it any easier."

"At least she's in good hands."

He smiled, "I'm pretty sure there are no better hands when it comes to making sure our daughter is safe. Maya's been protecting her since they were kids."

"She's our daughter too no matter what Shawn and Katy say," Topanga said firmly.

Cory laughed, "You don't have to tell me. I've been reminding Shawn for years that she was ours first."

"Our girls are getting married," she smiled. "I'm glad it's to each other."

"Me too, but we really should wake her," Cory reminded his wife.

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