Painting a Future

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Author's Note: This chapter is a turning point. Going forward some of the chapters will contain NSFW material. I'm not sure if this warning is entirely necessary since the story is rated M and we've been dealing with STDs and drug addictions, but I still wanted to give my readers a heads up. Thanks for sticking with me so far everyone. 

Maya took a step back to admire her work. When Riley had given her free reign over paint choices she had a surge of inspiration, and now her masterpiece was complete. She had bared Riley from stepping foot into the bedroom until the painting was complete. Of course the no closed door rule was still in place from Dr. Lawler's instruction so a thin piece of tarp hung in the doorway to block her girlfriend's curious gaze.

"Riles! I finished!" Maya came running out into the living room to find Riley curled up with decorating magazine. Slightly out of breath with a smile on her face, she reached for the brunette's hand, "I can't wait to show you."

Tossing the magazine aside, Riley rose to her feet and took Maya's outstretched hand, "It's about time."

"Oh shush! Just wait," she placed a quick kiss on her girlfriend's lips. "Now close your eyes."

Once her eyes were closed Maya led Riley into the bedroom. She positioned her so once her eyes opened she'd be looking at the freshly painted wall to the left of their bed.

"Can I open them now?"

Maya moved behind her girlfriend and wrapped her arms around her neck in an embrace. "Open them, Honey."

Riley slowly opened her eyes and gasped at what was in front of her. "Peaches, its ... you painted our bay window!" The plain white wall had been transformed into a mural of Riley's childhood bedroom. She marveled in amazement at the window seat her and Maya spent so many hours sitting at, various purple decorative pillows painted in such detail she swore she could reach out and touch them, and vine draped balcony beyond the window panes.

"Do you like it?" Maya whispered into her ear.

"I ... it's amazing." Riley turned around to kiss her girlfriend to share a brief kiss. "I absolutely love it. It's perfect."

Riley stepped back from Maya, wanting another look at the mural her girlfriend had created. In her typical fashion, Riley did not look where she was going before setting her path in motion. As she was turning around her foot slid directly into a bucket of deep purple paint, causing her to trip. While she fell backwards onto the plastic floor covering bucket dislodged from her foot, flew into the air, and emptied its contents on the brunette's head as it fell back to the ground.

Maya watched the scene act out in slow motion, partially in disbelief at what had just happened. Within seconds she was beside herself in hysterics, laughing at her clumsy girlfriend now covered in more paint that the walls. "You beautiful klutz," she admired, laughter still in her voice, as gazed looked down at Riley.

"Shut up and help me!" Riley responded in jest, barely getting the words out between her laughing.

Instead of helping, Maya reached into her back pocket for her cell phone, "Nope this is too good. I think this calls for a Facebook post."

"Don't you dare," Riley grabbed Maya's ankle and tugged her down into the paint puddle with her.

Maya landed right next to Riley, her hair and back now coated in thick purple paint. "Oh great, now we're both a mess! What did that accomplish?"

The brunette placed her paint covered hand on Maya's cheek to pull her in for a kiss, "Got you out of posting it online, didn't it?"

"You have no idea what you started, Matthews," she said as reached behind her to grab a discarded paintbrush. Rather than a canvas she brushed it right down the side of Riley's face, covering it with a subtle shade of lilac.

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