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Maya began the long walk back to her parents' apartment from the university's health clinic. The anxiety she felt was overwhelming, threatening to overtake her entire being. Today had been her retest, and now she had to wait three long days before learning her fate. She needed something to calm her nerves. It had been the first moment since returning from rehab that she felt weak and worried about slipping. She pulled out her cell phone and sent a quick text. To her relief the response was instant. Rather than continue on her way, she took a right at the next intersection. It was only a few blocks to her destination and she hoped she could manage until she arrived.

She should have texted Riley immediately but knew her girlfriend wouldn't understand what she needed in that moment. Maya knew there was one person who would.

Within minutes of arriving at the park she found the person she sought.

"Maya!" Dani called out as soon as she saw her approach. She said something to the group she was with before running over to where Maya stood.

"Sorry," Maya said weakly. "I know you're busy with the festival." Dani had volunteered for a local theater group putting on a Shakespeare in the Park weekly event for the Summer season. "I'm just having a bad day, and I don't really have a sponsor. I didn't know what to do."

"Come on," Dani threw an arm around the blonde and led her to a bench where they could sit and talk. "Why didn't you call Riley?"

Maya looked ashamed, "She blames herself for all of this, or at least she did. Plus she doesn't really get what it's like. I knew you would."

"I'm always here for you, but make sure to talk to her about this," Dani urged which elicited a nod in response.

Maya and Dani talked for nearly an hour before Maya headed back home. She called Riley during her walk to tell her about her moment of weakness.

Riley didn't tell Maya about the jealousy she felt hearing that Maya reached out to Dani first. She was beyond thrilled that Maya asked help from someone though, no matter who it was. It proved Maya was serious about avoiding falling back down that rabbit hole.

The next few days past slower than Maya would have liked. Each moment of waiting was agony. The intense anxiety caused to crave a fix but she fought every minute to stay clean for her girlfriend, for herself.

Riley wouldn't leave her side, it was just as it was when Maya was working the home portion of her program. Dani checked in on here constantly, sometimes as often as hourly, to make sure she wouldn't slip. Maya appreciated the concern but she wished they would both ease up a little.

"Riles, I'm fine. I swear I'm fine," she attempted to convince her. "I'm not going to use again. I thought you trusted me."

"Peaches, of course I trust you," Riley argued back. "I'm just worried! You haven't acted this withdrawn since you were using. I don't want to lose you again."

Maya took Riley's hands in her own, "Honey, you aren't ever going to lose me again. I promise. I will never let that happen. You and I are forever."

The brunette nodded, "I just can't help it. I care about you too much." She leaned in for a kiss.

"Oh come on, get a room you two," Dani gagged from the other side of the booth. "It's bad enough I have to listen to the sickening cuteness."

Maya laughed, "Sorry, Dan."

"Look, you are going to be fine. You find out the results in the morning. You've got your girlfriend, and you've got me. Neither of us are going to let you go down that road again," Dani assured her. "You've got this. You are stronger than this."

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