Something's Wrong

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She still isn't home. Where is she? It's nine in the morning. She should be back by now!

Riley's phone buzzed alerting her to a text message. "Peaches?" She ran to her phone to see who sent it, but the text was from Sammie. "I'll deal with whatever this is later."

Maya would always come first to Riley, no matter who she was dating at the time. Maya was her world, and right now her world was broken. Riley wished she knew why, but she was lost.

The door opened and a disheveled Maya stumbled into the room. She dropped her wallet on the floor as she collapsed onto her bed.


No response came from the unconscious blonde.

Riley grabbed an afghan off of her desk chair and threw it over Maya. "I wish you'd talk to me, Peaches. I'm so scared." Maya moaned in her sleep and pulled her pillow close to her chest. The brunette sat on the edge of the bed next to her sleeping friend and looked down at her. She ran a hand through Maya's hair, smiling sadly as she gazed at her sleeping form.

Several minutes passed with Riley simply staring at Maya before she stood up to clean the mess Maya left in her drunken wake. She leaned down to pick up Maya's fallen wallet when something fell out of it onto the floor. Riley took the tiny item in her hand and inspected what had fell.

"Oh no... Maya..." she sighed, turning to look back at Maya. "Peaches, what are you doing?"

Riley held the small bag of white powder in her hand. She knew what it was. She wasn't stupid.

Her phone was in her hand in a flash and she began to text the only person she could think to help her.

Riley: I need your help. Emergency!

Farkle: What's wrong?

Riley: Just get here. Now.

Farkle: It's the middle of the week. I can't just drive to New York.

Riley: Please. Something's wrong... It's Maya.

Farkle: On my way.

"Something's wrong, Farkle. She won't even talk to me! The only words she's said in weeks are... mean," Riley slumped back into her chair, defeated.

"Tell me what happened before that," Farkle took another sip of his latte while waiting for Riley to continue. He had come into town at his friend's request. There were two people in this world he loved equally, just as he had when he was a little kid, and he would always be there for them. He had made the trip from Yale to have coffee and discuss whatever was going on that caused a rift between his two friends. Now he found himself in the back corner of a New York café with Riley, trying to help her work through the last couple of months.

"I don't know! It just happened!" Riley sounded desperate and confused.

"There has to be something, Riley. Think."

"I guess she was fine until she met Sammie..."

Farkle's eyebrow hitched, "New boyfriend?"

Riley blushed, "Um... girl friend."

His eyes widened, "Oh, Riley."

"Oh Riley what?"

"You broke her heart," it hurt him to say the words. He knew how Maya felt for years. She was deeply in love; not puppy love that goes away suddenly. Maya was in the kind of love that could move mountains and make planets align.

"How? I didn't do anything!"

"Riley," he said, setting down his latte and trying to be as gentle with her as possible, "Maya's in love with you. She has been since eighth grade. Did you really never noticed?"

"She loves me... like that?"

Farkle nodded. "She was always too afraid to tell you."

"She loves me," Riley repeated the words softly to herself.

"And you rejected her."

"I never rejected her! I didn't even know she felt this way!"

"She watched you for years going from guy to guy. First Lucas, then Charlie, then Lucas again, and now all these casual college flings. She was fine until you brought home a girl. She probably feels like she isn't good enough for you. For years she had it in her mind that you only liked boys. Now she sees that she was wrong, but still you aren't with her."

"Why didn't she tell me, Farkle?"

"Would it have changed anything if she had?" He asked with a slight amount of sarcasm laced in his voice.

"Yes," the word was soft but it was there. "It would have changed everything."


"I'm in love with her too. I just never thought..." she paused. "She's the one who was out. I thought if she felt that way she would have said something. I ignored it... for years."

"You two are a damn mess you know that?" Farkle shook his head in disbelief at what he was hearing, laughing slightly as he did. "You'd both rather be miserable than just tell each other what's going on. And here I thought you had a no secrets rule, when the whole time you have both been keeping just about the biggest one imaginable!"

"I broke her, Farkle. How can I get Maya back?"

"For starters, I'd break it off with this new girl, and tell Maya the truth about how you feel."

"I don't want to hurt Sammie though. She's been great."

"Do you love her?"

"No, she's just really nice. Maya is the only person I've ever loved. Nothing compares to how I feel about her," she sighed determinedly. "Okay, I'll break it off with Sammie at lunch."

"When are you going to tell Maya?"

"Tonight. I'm going to tell her tonight, if I can catch her before she leaves again."

"Leaves again?"

"Every night she's been sneaking out. She waits until she thinks I'm asleep. Doesn't come back until nearly dawn."

"Any idea where she's going?"

Tears pooled in her eyes. "No... But she always comes back smelling like alcohol," Riley sniffled, forcing herself to continued, "a-and sex. This is all because of me. I've destroyed her! The person I love most in this world is doing this to herself, and it's all my fault."

"You'll fix it, Riley. She'll come back to you," Farkle consoled her, rubbing small circles on his friend's back.

"I think she's doing drugs too."

"What? How?"

"Something fell out of her wallet. I doubt it was a bag of sugar."

"Oh my god," he gasped.

"I hope it's not too late for us. She's so gone from the Maya I know. I hope I can bring her back."

"You've already saved her once before; if anyone can do it again it's you."

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