Liveandlove10 Presents: Finding Claire Collins Unseen Footage

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Long time no chat.

I've been super busy working on edits for Surviving Adam Meade, so when I sat down to write this post I knew exactly who to write about – Adam and Claire.

There was a bit of back and forth on what you might or might not want to read. Eventually, I had an idea and wanted to run with it. Enjoy!


"Um, why are we here?"

I trailed the old dirt road, glancing at Adam as we walked. There was mischief in his green eyes, and I knew him well enough to know better.

"Because if this is going to get either of us in trouble, tell me now," I continued. "I can't bail you out of jail without good reason."

"It's me," he answered. "That's reason enough."

"Um, no."

He grinned and shook his head. "You're telling me you'd let me spend a night in jail?" he said, wrapping his hand around the door handle of the old abandoned saw mill.

"I'd let you spend a week there, if I felt like it would do you some good."

"That's messed up!"

I smiled and crossed the threshold in front of him. It was the truth and he knew me well enough to realize it. Good. At least we were clear on where I stood.

Dust filled the air of the mill, and I coughed as Adam navigated the room. He pulled a pair of flashlights from the wall at the front, and flipped one on. When he turned, the flashlight beam illuminated the plains of his face making them even sharper than they already were.

"How about a round of hide-and-go-seek for old time's sake?" he asked.

"With the amount of critters in here? Negative."

"Okay," he answered. "Then what if I told you Riley and Tate are already out here, and I bet Tate a hundred bucks I could find him in less than five minutes?"

"Then I'd say you should've spent that money on food." I took the flashlight from him, earning a smile. "Do you know how many bags of Sour Patch Kids you could've bought?"

"Don't remind me."

Our footsteps echoed around the room, while the flashlight beams lit up cobwebs that lurked on the ceiling. My lungs clenched with each new spider; choking me with fear. This was nothing compared to the spider den at the back of the mill, but it was terrifying enough to make me want to help Adam in his search. The sooner we found Tate, the sooner we could get out of here.

Adam crossed into the hall, way more silent than me and my flip-flops. Most of the heavy steel doors were tugged shut, but one jutted out just enough to be odd. Adam paused, nodding at the door with a smile.

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