May_Flower123 Presents: The Catalyst Saga Interview

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Hey, guys! It is such an honor to be included in this years Wattpad Summer Block Party! Thank you KellyAnneBlount for this amazing opportunity! It is truly amazing to be featured this year. For all of my amazing supporters, I hope you enjoy this interesting interview with the characters from The Catalyst Oath!


Me: Hey guys! Welcome to the first ever interview in The Catalyst Saga. I am so excited for this interview and for the many more there is to come! I want to say thank you again for all your constant support and sweet messages. It means so much to me! Now without further ado, I introduce Rheynoak, Onyx, Lucien, Venix, Alesandria, Draco, Yongui, and Castrin!

Lucien: It's great to be here May but aren't we missing one more?

Onyx: A certain witch that almost killed me and Alesandria?

Me: Yagein couldn't make it today. She's busy with her witch clan and God knows what they're planning.

Draco: Twisted little mind.

Me: Okay, now let's get started-

Rheynoak: *interrupts* Before we do, why did you have to sit me next to the bloody witch whore who throws herself at the first guy that finds her attractive?

Venix: And why did you have to sit me next to the idiot that can't keep his hands to himself or his dick in his pants?

Rheynoak: *growls* why you little bit-

Me: *groans and scowls* We do not have time for this.

Onyx: Just saying, they've been like this since you announced we were doing an interview.

Lucien: Eh, not much of a surprise though

Me: *sighs* The seating order was chosen out of random. I had no control over it.

Venix: *crosses arms over her chest* Random my ass

Me: Okay, now that we are all done arguing *glares at Rheynoak and Venix* I will ask all of you some simple, pretty basic questions and then we'll get into the more personal, fan favorite questions.

Rheynoak: *groans*

Me: *smiles sarcastically* And since you are always the first one to complain Rheynoak dear, you can go first.

Rheynoak: *sarcastically* Fantastic

Me: Okay Rheynoak, what road did you take to form your desert tribe into what it is today and what were the obstacles you had to overcome? Try not to spill any spoilers while you answer.

Rheynoak: Well, the tribe first belonged to my father and originally my older brother was in line to take over the role of leadership once my father passed. Unfortunately, he disappeared and we never found him so my father just passed the role on to me. But I'll tell you, keeping the tribe intact wasn't easy.

Me: And why do you say that?

Rheynoak: My tribe has been around for hundreds of years. Once I took over the role of leadership, there was a lot of disagreement not only between the tribes but also with other mortal kingdoms and the Inner Circle. Allies turned on each other, each wanting the ultimate power. My tribe suffered through many wars and a lot of bloody days to get to where we are now. And there is still a long way to go for better improvement.

Draco: Bloody Bullshit. You really like painting yourself as a hero, don't you?

Rheynoak: *glares* Better than anything you have done in the past hundred years.

Wattpad Block Party - Summer Edition III (August 2017)Where stories live. Discover now