druidrose Presents: The Heir and the General

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Hi everyone, I'm MB, better known as druidrose here on Wattpad, and I am so excited to be participating in my SECOND Wattpad Block Party! A HUGE thanks to KellyAnneBlount for putting together another great event and I hope you're all enjoying it as much as I am being a part of it!

This time around, I going to do something crazy!

I'm going to share something new.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Something absolutely and completely new.

Nothing having to do with the Empire Saga this time around.

Nope, this time I'm going to give you a new world, new characters, a new plot.

And YOU are going to be one of the first to read it!

So, without further delay, I present...


The sounds of blade against blade rang out through the war camp deep within the mountains nestled in the Northern Kingdom

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The sounds of blade against blade rang out through the war camp deep within the mountains nestled in the Northern Kingdom. Renya, daughter and heir to its King and Queen, leapt and circled around the mud-packed training ring as the warmth of the spring day, even within the mountains, made the hair that escaped her dark braid plaster against her sweat-soaked brow. Even the material of her thin shirt clung to her chest and back, having had discarded her leather jacket over an hour ago. Her legs barked in pain as she moved, but she would not stop - not when she was facing her father's General in that ring, circling across from her. And especially not when her father and mother were observing them from the outskirts.

Rikkard, King of the Northern Kingdom, had been adamant against sending his firstborn to the camps, and even in their letters and conversations, Renya felt as though he was still in denial as to how quickly the time went by. Even as he stood just outside the sparring ring with his wife by his side, watching her match blades with Thressan, his own General, she knew he still considered whether or not allowing her to come to train here was in her best interest.

He used to sing her lullabies every night for years, even past the point where she was deemed too old for them. Renya knew she would always be his little girl, even when she was a thousand years old- he would forever only see the dark haired little girl who danced around the house with him when no one else was around to watch, The same dark-haired child who would bring in various creatures and bugs from outside to present to the Queen as presents, who had been less than impressed by the slimy things but would never shatter her daughter's spirit by rejecting them.

That Queen, her own mother, Fayth, was the daughter to a powerful Lord in the Western Kingdom, and their traditions were far more fluid than those of the North. So, they had raised her with a combination of Northern and Western traditions, both, for they had wanted her to understand the best of both of their Kingdoms, as well as an understanding for both of their peoples, rather than raising her with the intolerance and hatred that seemed to run rampant within their world.

Wattpad Block Party - Summer Edition III (August 2017)Where stories live. Discover now