Joflower Presents: Genre Stigmas

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"Remember the night I killed you?"

That was a metaphorical question and the opening sentence to my Heart of Stone Trilogy.

Do I have your attention now? I hope so.

For those of you who don't know me, take a wild guess as to what genre I currently write in (and what Heart of Stone is classified as). No peeking!

But first, let me ask you something.

Do you enjoy reading action? Adventure? Romance? Mystery? Suspense? Horror? Humor? Fantasy?

Pretty much all of those genres can be found in the subgenre I write in, and that is werewolf.

Woah-woah-woah! Where are you going? I thought you were here to read about my insights?

Okay, good. Cool. Thanks for sticking around.

But that's exactly the point I wanted to lead into.

Werewolf fiction is one of those paranormal subgenres that people either love or hate (or love to hate)

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Werewolf fiction is one of those paranormal subgenres that people either love or hate (or love to hate).

Those who love it are ravenous, passionate readers. The harder the love, the greater the struggle, the better the book.

Let's face it, the vast majority of werewolf books these days are romances.

And that's where critics tend to target their negativity. I've pretty much heard it all.

Everything's been done.

It's not easy being a werewolf writer. I'm not blind and I'm not deaf to the world around me. There's a negative stigma attached to werewolf books and those who write them. We don't get the same respect that fantasy writers get, nor contemporary romance writers.

Sure, we may not be making up entirely new worlds like fantasy writers, but we do need to make our worlds fit with the real world—if we choose to go that route

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Sure, we may not be making up entirely new worlds like fantasy writers, but we do need to make our worlds fit with the real world—if we choose to go that route. Merging fantasy with reality can be tricky.

Like fantasy writers, we have to give our characters their own culture, way of speaking, beliefs, and limitations—and we have to make it fit in the real world. We can have other supernatural creatures exist in our worlds, but there has to be a set of pre-determined rules that all the characters have to understand and abide by.

Wattpad Block Party - Summer Edition III (August 2017)Where stories live. Discover now