Multiple Incidents

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Remember how I said my Ma was crazy? Well when Sibrena and I walked in and Ma was singing in another crazy tune, we walked to my room down the hall. From there I stayed up holding my dearest until about midnight before I dozed off. It felt like moments but I first heard the door slide open and my father saying he was home, the next a searing pain in my back. I let loose a cry of agony as Sibrena shoots up awake and startled, she crawls to the corner and hides in the blankets like I've always told her to do if something happened. I heard my door open and a bright light flood in as my father stepped forward.

"Ashley! Damnit, I told you to leave home alone!!" Pops steps over slowly peeling Ma off of me. He then kneels over and pulls the knife from my back, then bandaging it up.

"Son, im never home, and when I am I seem to lose your Ma more and more. I'm sorry, I'll be home from now on. I just have to take care of Ma for now. Say goodnight. It's going to be a long while.. before you see her again." The last bit seemed to trail off in a trail of tears and weeping as Ma started crying.

"YOU NEVER LOVED ME!!! YOU NEVER CARED!!! ILL KILL YOU!!" Ma weeps into Pops chest leaving a trail of tears. Pops then pulled a knife seemingly from nowhere, he inserted the knife slowly into Ma's heart from the front end. I stare in horror as I realize Sibrena is still in the corner. I look over to where she lays in the corner and she stares at me and whispers...

"Can Dad help my parents?"

Turning back to Pops I speak with confidence,


"Son, your mother is dying and you wish to talk? Not even mourn her death. The wound in your back doesn't even faze you? I guess I was wrong about you, I'll say this, we'll take your girlfriend across the road and move to Tokyo."

"DAD, Sibrena just watched you kill Ma. She's sitting in the corner! We wanted to ask you to kill her parents."

*sigh* "it's already done, I killed them on my way in. I couldn't stand this stench any longer. From now on you and my new daughter Sibrena are going to move in with me in Tokyo." 

With that Sibrena crawled back over to me and walked into the living area, there we fell asleep together on the couch as father dealt with Ma's remains and clean my old room. I turned on the TV before falling asleep,

"BREAKING NEWS!! Mass Murderer James Wolfgang has been located and is in pursuit!"



I fall into a dark sleep until I felt Sibrena's hands shaking me awake. As I stir I notice that my surroundings have changed. I guess Pops must've transported us to an apartment in Tokyo. We get up and look around the small building unit we were in. On the table was a note,

"Good morning kids, Dads gonna be gone until later this afternoon. Tomorrow is your first day at Matsuyama Elementary. Your guys papers are sitting on the table. Have fun today and remember your safe."

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