New Life

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Rooks POV
Josh gave me a journal after Headmaster gave me and Sibby our own room together. Josh said that it should help me talk about what happened, what I've been through. He gave an identical one to Sibby too. I'm grateful I think, Josh seemed that he disliked the likes of us... Pale as snow, silvery hair and crimson eyes... We've been stared and gawked at for hours. The Head Nurse says that me and Sibby are deathly underweight, she through us into a obstacle course... She wants to run is through more tests... More tests... More... More... More
Alejandro... The Nurse... He... She.. They are the same, they're the same... Tests... Medicines...
Original View
Screams were heard throughout the halls, bloody murder... More screams... Screams of concern, the thundering of steps hurrying towards the terrified screams.
Josh and the Head Nurse slam through the Orphans Private Suite... Rook lays screaming in the corner, a book splayed open...
"THE SAME, THE SAME" He screams and screams... Holes line the walls, the beds are torn apart...
"WHERE IS SHE, WHERE, WHERE" Rook screams more as the Head Nurse coddles him to her body, his body shaking, shivering and twitching in uncontrollable spasms.
Head Nurse POV
I sat there on my knees coddling this ear splitting screaming child... My ears ring and my blood goes cold... I try to hug Rook closer and tighter as his screams turn to sobs... Such pain, misery... The darkness Rook has been through is so much more vast than I thought...
Sibrena clashes through the halls to her beloved. Crashing through people and her silent screams into weeping sobs as she takes her Rook from the Head Nurses arms... Rook holds Sibrena and cries hard as she in turn holds Rook in her lap and cries...
Head Nurse
Their pain is shared, through the demons work... 2 children, 2 innocent children... Turned into this... Experiment, what Alejandro has done is something not of this world. I sit there staring at these 2 children, their Unbreakable Bonds.

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