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The dark and rainy planet of Eadu made it hard to see anything clearly. Not having full attention on where you were going would mean crashing in the end. Cassian and Rita had taken turns controlling the ship, not wanting to leave K2 by himself knowing this truth.

It was now Rita's turn and she was trying to not crash due to the amount of rain that was pouring down on the ship blurring her line of sight.

The ship jolted a little bit reacting to all of the rain beating down on the ship. Rita gasped grabbing onto the controls tightly in order to steady herself.

"Everyone hold on!"  Rita yelled out pulling up on the controls, scanning the area for a place to safely land.

Bodhi noticed what was happening, going to the front before the bumping became too bad. Looking over Rita's shoulder, he was ready to assist her seeing where she could land as well.

This was a plant he was accustomed to going to, so he knew the best places where the ship wouldn't be seen by the Empire. Rita looked over to him, trying to decide on wether she should trust his judgment in this situation, but she didn't really have much of an option.

"You sure you know what you are doing?!" Cassian yelled towards Bodhi while standing behind K2. Cassian was skeptical of Bodhi as well but known of the rebels really knew this planet well enough to know where they would be safest.

"Yes! Keep it low, they have trackers so we must stay low to avoid getting caught." Bodhi spoke wanting Rita to immediately lower the ship even more so they could conceal their presence.

Rita and the droid were basically still driving blindly with all of the rain, but it was going well. Suddenly a lightning strike appeared, the boom echoing through everyone's ears. Rita's eyes widened at the strike suddenly seeing that a large pillar was coming up before them.

"Watch your right!" Cassian yelled out as K2 quickly turned right causing everyone in the ship to jolt to the side. The wind was knocked out of Rita as she tried to keep her hands on the controls.

"Damnmit K2!" Rita let go for a second seeing her hands were becoming red from how tightly she was holding on to the controls.

"There is a 26% chance of failure." He let his co pilot know. Rita turned to him shockingly, giving off a small bit of anger at the fact that he thought this was the best time to tell her about failure.

"Thank you for that K2 but sadly your input is not needed at the moment!" She yelled out towards the droid trying to level the ship again. Once she was leveled enough, she felt Bodhi suddenly gripped her shoulder giving a small tug.

"Now! Put the ship down now!" Bodhi ordered quickly seeing the safe zone coming up but K2 continued going forward because of gusts wind.

"Put the ship down!" Bodhi yelled again, with K2 aiming downwards now. Everyone's eyes widened as the ground was becoming closer but they still had too much speed with them.

"Watch out!" Cassian yelled out as the ship hit a rock causing everyone to jolt to one side together.

The impact was strong as Rita and K2 were pushed to the side as well, now trying to get the ship to stabilize again. It was a lot harder this time though.

Rita realized they couldn't stable the ship enough before they would hit the ground. Raising one of her hands up, she quickly turned on multiple switches to help lessen the impact of the crash she knew was coming.

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