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Sayra .

For many of us, the institution was as much a refuge as it was a prison. Though we were cut off from the world and all the trouble we enjoyed stirring up out there, we were also cut off from the demands and expectations that had driven us crazy. What could be expected of us now that we were stowed away in a loony bin? I don't know, but what I do know is I'm not staying here for the rest of my life. Lately I've been having these irrational night terrors. Josiah would be bleeding from his mouth asking "why'd you do it Sayra? Why? I loved you." And I would wake up in a cold sweat, not going back to sleep for the remainder of the night. Actually, sleep was my worst enemy in this place. I recently started to tongue my pills, I feel like I'm on nightmare on elm street for real. It's been two weeks since we murdered Josiah, they found his body in the spot and immedietly knew it was premeditated because of the stab wounds. Of course Christopher was the first to be questioned because of his history with Josiah. Then it was me.. Then it was Jessie.. Eventually it was all swept under the rug but I have a strange feeling it'll be swept from under very soon. As of now, it's just my concious that's getting to me. I closed my journal and sat up from my bed when I heard a noise by my door. When I opened it, Jeanylice was standing there.

"I know you killed him." She whispered angrily, "I know you all did it."

I furrowed my eyebrows and laughed. "What are you talking about?"

I could tell she was growing angry by the fiery in her eyes. "So it's fucking funny now? What if it was Christopher laid up on that floor, bleeding to death?"

I moved up to her face, looking straight into her eyes. "Christopher isn't a conniving, evil son of a bitch like Josiah was."

"All I know is, you guys fucking did it." She paused, "you better watch your back Sayra." She stormed off.

Was I supposed to be scared or suttin? Cause I wasn't, instead I laughed and shut my door. Watch my back huh? I laughed again and went back into my bed.

Chris .

Do I feel bad? Hell no. I feel great actually, like a big weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Josiah needed to be killed he was a sorry ass excuse for a human being. I should've spit in his fucking face after I killed him. I sound like a horrible person but I don't give a fuck, I hope Josiah burns in hell and I hope satan molests his trifling ass. Everybody in this damn places thinks I killed him, except for August which is weird as fuck. I'd thought maybe he'd be the first to accuse me, but he wasn't. I mean yeah I did kill Josiah, but I got help with it. Getting bored in the rec-room I decided to go talk to August, but I only ended up walking in on him and Jessie fucking. I never closed a door so fast in my life. I laughed all the way back to my room. I looked at Shakur's things and I started to get emotional again, I laid down on his bed when I felt something under his pillow. It was a notebook, of course the first thing I did was open it. It was his journal.... Honestly I was scared to read it forreal but I flipped to the last page, his last entry.

Chris , bro I know your gonna find this one day witcho nosey ass. But I just wanna let you know that you are one down ass nigga, I've never met nobody like you in my life .. I'm trying not to make this sound gay but it aint workin. I'm sorry I hurt you, I know you wasnt expectin all this but bro we've been here for 6 years.. I just got so tired of this shit, I couldnt do it no more man, you gotta understand. I love you nigga deadass you are my brother, my day one and I'll always be watchin over you to make sure you good. Don't be upset, and tell Slim not to be upset either by the way yall make a game ass couple ha.. Tell Jessie I love her so much and to not forget about me, tell August ill be watchin over his light skin ass too.. I love you man - Shakur.

At this point I was bawling my eyes out like a little ass girl. This note made me wanna kill myself just so I could be with my nigga again. I put his notebook under my pillow and for the rest of that day I just slept.

Sayra .

I sat on Jeanylice's bed waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. She had called me in here so we could "talk." Of course I don't trust this hoe and I'll be watching her every fucking move. When she came out of the bathroom I tensed up, I don't know why, I just did. She sat down on the bed next to me and cleared her throat.

"Sayra, I just wanna apologize for everything I caused." She said sincerely.

"It's all good in the hood."

She smiled. "Good, cause I'm about to cause some more shit."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Wh-" Before I could finish my sentence, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and blacked out.

Jessie .

"You think he saw us?" I giggled to August as I laid across his chest.

"He saw us. Did you not see his face?" He laughed.

"Oh well, nigga should've knocked first."


"Jessica?" August said after a few minutes of silence.


"I gotta ask you suttin."

I looked up to him. "What?"

"Would you be my girlfriend?"

You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment. The boy I've been in love with for two years finally asking me to his girl? Of course I was gonna say yeah.

"Of course." I kissed his lips and he held me even closer to him. I was worried about one thing though. Cali.... Yeah we were cool, but what would she think? We had just gotten over our drama I don't wanna beef with her again.. Maybe we should just keep this on the low for now.

* * *

Oh damn. I think Jeanylice is taking up after Josiah.. What y'all think? Comment and vote!

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