A Long Week

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Jenna came to learn from Rose that the guy with the killer smile is called Ryan Irwin. And the grinning black guy is Zack Oregon. While Cleopatra is a Chinese, named Li Chang. She didn't want to know but Rose kept talking. It was a week since they joined the school. Rose already settled in like she had been there all her life. But it was different for Jenna. She still couldn't accept the new school and the students. She still wants to get back at Ivy, but she never gets the opportunity, as Ivy seemed to be the irregular type. As for the red eyed guy, she didn't see him anymore since that day. She was beginning to wonder if at all he studies in their school. Drew is still her seatmate and they talk sometimes but they are not close, no wonder since Jenna had always been so reserved.

It was the last day before the weekend. Jenna was waiting for the hours to tick by. She had in mind to drop in the mall and get herself some treat after the long week. She was tapping her fingers on the desk impatiently as the minutes of the last class ticked by.

"Will you stop that? I'm trying to concentrate," Drew whispered annoyingly beside her.

Her fingers stopped for a while. She listened to what her teacher was explaining.

"...but there is more to say. They are our principle supplier of oxygen and they rid our air of pollutants."

Environmental Education wasn't her favorite subject and she didn't give a shit of what the teacher was saying. So her fingers went back to the tapping. Drew groaned audibly.

"Seriously Jenna Hunter," he sighed and gave up concentrating.

Jenna grinned. Drew is funny and she was beginning to accept him. She stopped the tapping but Drew had already lost interest in the teacher's droning voice. He sat with his chin propped by his hand with a slight frown.

"Hey, you know where Ivy keeps disappearing to?" Jenna whispered to Drew. Ivy was absent. Again.

"What, you have a crush on her?" He drawled.

"Yeah, I miss her so much," she replied, rolling her eyes.

"Well I'm sorry to break your heart but I can't help you," he shrugged. "Because I don't know. No one knows."

"What do you mean no one knows?" She whispered, but it was a little too loud.

The teacher raised her head and looked at Jenna.

"Is there something you'd like to say, miss Hunter?" She asked.

"No ma'am," Jenna replied, embarrassed.

"Good, then don't talk in my class."

"Yes ma'am."

As soon as the teacher's head bent, she urged Drew again.


He sighed. "You're unbelievable."

"I'll be more unbelievable if you don't answer me," she retorted.

"You'll get into trouble if you keep talking," he warned.

"If you don't spill it, you're coming down with me," she replied.

"Is that a threat?" He challenged.

"Just tell me already," she snapped impatiently.

Drew narrowed his eyes and puckered his lips.

"No one knows anything about her or her family. She just joined here a little before you and your sister came and I don't know what she does to those who get in her way, but they sure don't like what they get. She doesn't come to class when the sun's scorching. And you notice her dress code and eyes?"

"Can't you be more specific?" She demanded. Somehow, when Drew mentioned dress code and eyes, she suddenly thought of the red eyed guy. She decided to ask Drew about him once he replied her question.

"If I'm to be specific, I'd say she's a vampire," he shrugged.

She couldn't control the big snort that came out from her when she heard his reply. Everybody turned to her direction.

"Hunter and Macford!" The teacher snapped angrily. "Would you care to share the joke with us?"

I guess the red eyed guy has to wait.

"Sorry ma'am," Drew choked out timidly.

"Apology not accepted," she snapped. "Either you share the joke or write an essay on global warming."

Neither of them wanted to share anything. So they had no choice but to write the essay. Jenna saw Drew frowning at her but it really wasn't her fault that landed them into the punishment. A vampire? Seriously? What a laugh! He needs a major improvement on growing up.

Finally, the bell went off. Just as she was about to go out, the teacher called her. She groaned inwardly and went to her table.

"Return these files to the Headmaster's office," she said, handing her a pile of files.

Is this part of the punishment? It had to be because she had no idea where the office was. She took the files and headed out.

Most of the students were already out. She started down the hallway. With every step that she took, more students left the building. She took a right turn and glanced around. She couldn't ask anyone. All of them seemed to be in a hurry to leave. Nope, not this section. She turned around and headed to the opposite side. It can't be that hard to find. The building was almost deserted now. She kept looking but she couldn't find anything that could help her. She knew her treat at the mall had to wait. Damn the teacher for getting me into this. Damn Rose for not helping me when she knew how great my sense of direction is. She was starting to get edgy as she turned another corner. Then she spotted the back of a guy talking with another person. She had to ask.

"Excuse me," she said.

The guy turned around in surprise. He had black hair, kind of long for a boy's cut. His features looked delicate, almost feminine on his ghost like skin. She was suddenly engulfed by an overpowering aura of tension. Why do everyone I meet need to have black hair and pale skin?

"Can I help you?" A girl's voice.

Jenna suddenly flushed from embarrassment. It isn't a guy after all. She's a girl whom she thought was a boy. But she couldn't blame herself. She looked just like a boy, even her height didn't betray her.

"I..uh..." She stammered. It was unlike her but she was recovering from surprise. "I was wondering if you could tell me-

Jenna stopped short when she saw the person behind the tomboy. The red eyed guy.

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