4.The Attack

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Scarlet's P.O.V.

It seems that the whole pack heard the frighting growl, they all seemed to be on high alert. The music stopped and many of the warrior wolves shifted. I turned to look at the special only to see that he was staring right at my dad with a death glare. The growls multiplied and I turned to look where the loud and frighting noise is coming from, only to see wolves that are all to familiar.

My pack instinct kicked in before I could stop it from making me say "Alpha! Its the Blaze Skull pack!" That made the special jump out of his place high in the trees and land right next to Alpha Derrick. Oh great, the wolf that I thought was good is on the enemy's side.

"Told you something bad would happen!" Jesse whisper yelled, earning a hard nudge from both me and Rebecca. My dad turned to us and nodded.

"Uh guys, why did my da-" that was all I could say to them because Alpha Derrick ran strait for my dad. My dad shifted into his light brown with gray parts here and there in less than a second. Both packs attack to defend their pack and their alpha.

Rebecca grabbed a back pack from under a near by table and put it on me back. I looked at Jesse only to see he went into his wolf form. She used her wolves' strength to pick me up and put me on Jesse's back, we all are only 16 so we aren't that strong but Jesse and Rebecca's wolf is.

I then saw Rebecca in wolf form next to us,then they started to run. I heard the sound of bones cracking and I smelt the smell of fresh blood. I knew if I looked back the I would break down, but I knew I promised myself to never cry over any thing after my mom left me and dad.

I heard the sound of paw running behind us. I looked back only to see 4 warrior wolves from the other pack chasing us. "Uh guys, we are being fallowed!" I told Jesse and Rebecca. They looked back and their eyes widen when the noticed how big they are. Rebecca turned to fight then off, but I knew that she will get hurt. Me and Rebecca promised we wouldn't train till I shifted into my wolf, Jesse has been training with his dad and I knew they could take those wolves down together.

"Jesse, you need to help Rebecca. Stop!" I tried to make him stop but he kept running. " If you don't help her she mite get hurt or worse, she mite get killed." That made him stop and bend down, I jumped off. He motioned his head to the direction of the safe house, but I wasn't going to leave them so I looked at him like he was crazy.

That was a bad idea because one of the wolves that Rebecca was fighting slip passed her and was heading strait for me and Jesse, luckily Jesse pushed me out of the way but not fast enough because that mutt left a gash in my right arm.

Jesse smelt the blood and looked at the wolf that attacked us, I could see the anger in his eyes. He attacked the wolf and killed it with out a second thought. I noticed Rebecca had knocked out all the others but more were coming. "Guys, there's more come right for us." They both gave me pleading look and I gave in but didn't want to.

"Fine but promise me you guys wont get hurt, I need you guys." They both nodded. "I love you guys." They gave me sad smiles then turned and growled at the up coming wolves. With that I ran as fast as I can , I hope I can find the safe house.

By now I was deep in the forest when all of a sudden I felt a horrible pain all through out my body. It felt like I was on fire and thrown in to a volcano that is on the sun. No, I'm not crazy just imaginative. The pain made me fall to the ground. I dropped my back pack but I was in to much pain to care where i dropped it.

The pain made me cry and scream, even tho I promised to never cry again, I just couldn't handle it. I was also getting light headed from the blood lost on my arm. I screamed louder in hopes that some one from my pack could hear me.

I then felt one of my bones crack. Oh No! I can't shift not at a time like this. Wow, thank moon goddess for the best birth day ever, NOT!


Cole's P.O.V.

I was fighting 8 warrior wolves from the other pack when I heard a ear piercing scream. I could tell no one else heard it because they were to busy with their fights. For some reason Flames was trying to gain control to make me fallow the noise. So i knocked out all the wolves that didn't run off.

I started to run toward the screaming. When I found the source of the sound it was the girl who gave me candy, kissed my nose, and told the alpha who we were. 'How did she know who we were?' Flames asked. 'To be honest, i have no idea.' I told him.

I noticed her bones were popped out of place. Wait, is she shifting? OMG! Shes shifting! Even tho shes in the other pack, I can't let her shift by he self, I almost died shifting by my self because my dad was still depressed about mom. Every one deserves a chance to live. I may be strong and mean but I'm not willing to let some one die if I know I can save or help them.

I ran behind many trees to see if there is any clothes in the trees like most packs do, luckily I found some under the 3rd tree I looked under. I shifted back into my human form and put on the gray basket ball shorts and the black tank top and then ran to the girl.

I held her in my arms calming her down by rocking her back and forth. She stopped screaming and was now only crying, the next thing I'm going to say is not what any normal guy would say when they first talk to a cute girl. "Listen I'm going to take off your dress so you wont rip it, ok?" She nodded her head. I took off her dress but I didn't look at her in her bra and underwear because I didn't want to feel like a pervert.

Then I felt something wet on the tank top. I looked down and noticed that she had a big slash on her arm, the bleeding stopped but the girl looked week. Oh no. What if she faints or worse.....dies! To late! She fainted in my arms, well at least it wont be painful anymore. The funny thing is that I don't even know her name yet I'm crazy worried for her. 'Now who's turning into a softie?' 'Shut up, Flames!'

She was still breathing strongly, wow she mite make it through this, shes a strong girl. I sat there for about 30 minutes till i felt firework erupt inside me and smelt the most amazing sent. It smelt like cherry blossoms and vanilla. I looked down to find a pure white wolf in my arms.

Oh my moon goddess!!!!! Have i really found her?!?! That would explain why I care about her so much even if I don't know her. Ohh thank you moon goddess she is just beautiful, and an amazing wolf. Is she a special to? She seems pretty big for a wolf, almost as big as my wolf. Thank you so much moon goddess.

I have finally found her. I have found my beautiful, sweet, caring mate and My packs new luna.....


Hey, hope anyone reading likes this eventful chapter. If you have any ideas please tell me, it mite help. And thanks to my best friend who i consider my sister, Deja, she helped me with this chapter. Deja's name on wattpad is PoisonChambers123, please go check out her stories. Thanks


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