18. WTF happened to you two?!

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Scarlets P.O.V.

Once we got over the pack lands, we slowed down and shifted and put clothes on. We slowly started walking up to Cole's house. But me and Rebecca stopped dead in our tracks when we saw none other that Robyn, sitting on some ones lap. It was no ordinary some one, it was Tyler Posey, me and Rebecca being us, we sceamed," TYLER POSEY!!!" He looked up at us and so did Robyn. Me and Becca's eyes widened and at the same time, we put each other's hands over our mouths. Robyn and Tyler laughed at us, while Cole and Sammy looked just a little jealous.

Robyn and Tyler walked up to us," Scarlet! I missed you." Robyn said, hugging me. "Oh, this is my mate Tyler. Well, you of course already knew who he was." She commented. Then Rebecca decided to cut in.

"Uh, you wouldn't mind if we, um, maybe, hugged your mate?" Both Robyn and Tyler laughed at our eagerness. Robyn shook her head and Tyler opened his arms out wide. Rebecca and I freaked out and jumped in his arms. We sighed at his warmth.

I was pulled out of his arms and so was Becca. I heard a hissing sound to my left and a growling sound against my back. i noticed Sammy pulled Becca back and hissed at Tyler, showing him his venomous fangs. Cole pulled me back and growled at Tyler. He bowed his head in submition.

'COLE! The fuck?! Apologise now!' I growled at him through our vary faint mind link. 'NO! i shouldn't have to say sorry to some one who touched my mate.' He growled to me. I huffed and looked a Sammy.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to threaten you, i just got jealous." He said, scratching the back of his neck. I smiled, loving that my best friend/brother is so kind to others. I decided to step in for Cole.

"Cole is sorry also, hes just to full of himself to admit it." I said, making everyone laugh and Cole growl. This time I felt his anger. I saw in the corner of my eye, Xavier leaning against a tree, watching us. I climbed out of his arms and ran over to Xavier. I jumped in his arms and hugged him tight, i had to admit, i missed his brother like torture. He was like a mean big brother, and i loved it. I liked my older nice brother, Sammy, and my now older mean brother, Xavier. "I missed you, even if you didn't think i would." I got down and turned around to everyone," i missed everyone." I said walking calmly to the group. "So, i got an awesome idea, we will all have a big sleep over!!!" The girls cheered together, the boys ground. "No, lets not call it that. Call it a weekend long hang out." I said, making the boys nod and smirk. I speak more than one language, English, smart ass, food, animal, girl, and boy. I'm bilingual bitches!!

"I'm Rebecca and this is my mate Sammy by the way!' Becca yelled, making everyone look back at her. She blushed a bright red, making Sammy giggle at her.

"I'm Robyn, this is my mate Tyler,"we all looked at her with a 'no duh' face.

"I'm Xavier, the Delta." he gave the two the 'sup' nod like everyone does. "Shella and Kasey are inside with the guys." I pulled Becca up to the house and ran in. Kasey was sitting on James' lap, playing with his hair while watching Titanic. Shella was on a beanbag in the corner watching the movie with the two, Jason was in the love seat by himself with a sour look on his face. Come to think of it, Shella looked completely depressed. Wtf happened?!

"Hey guys, guess who is back, and she brought friends!!" I yelled, getting their attention. Kasey looked back and jumped up, tackling me in a hug.

"i missed you Nicol- i mean Scarlet." She said releasing me from the hug. James came over to me and smiled.

"Hey Shorty, nice to have you back." he said to me, he calls most people who are shorter than him and that are close to him shorty. Shella looked at me and smiled weakly, Jason didn't even turn his head an inch. Whats up his ass?!

"Guys, this is Rebecca." Just as I said that, Sammy was by her side in a flash. "And her mate Sammy.. Becca, Sammy, this is Kasey and James. The depressed looking girl over there is Shella and the the guy that looks like he has a stick up his ass is Jason." Jason sighed and shook his head. Shella looked at him and shook her head. Kasey was getting to Know Becca, I could tell tey will get along just fine. Shella finally got up and walked over to Jason, she put her hand on his arm but he just brushed her off, got up, and walked away. I walked up to Shella, "What the Fuck happened to you two?"

She shook her head and said, "I don't know. he wont tell me..." and walked away.


(pic of my color guard team. im the one with crazy hair. im the oldest so thats why everyone looks really young.) Hey guys, sorry i hadn't been writing for a while. I'm going to try to update WAY more often. But I'm not sure if i can so don't quot me on that. I love you guys for all the support and understanding. Just so you know, I'm in 8th grade. 8th and 12th grade are two of the hardest grades in my opinion because you're trying to get to high school or trying to get out of it. i also have color guard practice. i Love you guys and i hope you enjoyed the chapter. Bye peeps ♥ DiomondSkull

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