Chapter 4

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"Are you sure it's Stewart Downing's?"

"Bea, I think you'd know if I'd been with anyone else in the past two months," Lexa replied.

"...Yeah, you're right. You do seem to make a pretty big deal over getting together with a guy," I joked and she poked me on the arm.

"You're adament that you want to keep it then?" Jay asked.

"Yep. And it's your guys' job to help me persuade Stewart to get on board with the idea!" Lexa gave us a thumbs up.

" that's going to be a walk in the damn park!" Jay sarcastically said and I laughed.

I'd eventually gotten my head around Lexa being two months pregnant, but with some difficulty. She had to tell me everything that had happened the night in question until I understood everything, even if the details were...explicit.

"Well, I suggest you tell him sooner rather than later," I said.

"How soon is soon? He's on pre-season right now and I'd rather talk to him in person," she frowned.

"Then we have a problem," I got up to pace in front of the TV. "What if you tell him in two weeks time and he goes ape shit and freaks out and demands you get an abortion!"

"Well, I won't care what he says because I'm keeping this baby whether he likes it or not," Lexa argued.

"You need to tell him sooner rather than later, Lexa. He has the right to know if he's going to be a father. Not that I've ever experienced anything like that before..." Jay shfted his eyes in mock guilt and I giggled.

"Okay, let's compromise," I sat back down and looked at her earnestly. "When Jordan rings tonight, I'll ask if you can speak to Stewart. Chat to him for a while about, I dunno, random shit, then say to him at the end 'hey Stewart, we should meet up after you get back. I would like to talk more with you!' and then you tell him!"

"Don't you think she'll be leading him up the garden path a little bit though?" Jay grimaced.

"In what sense?" Lexa queried.

"Well, let's just say that unless the garden path is filled with unicorns and rainbows, he won't want to know,"

Myself and Lexa stared at him. What the hell was he talking about?!

"Err...yeah, err...what?" I made a face and he rolled his eyes.

"He'll only want to talk to Lexa because he'll want to maybe get things going with her because of what happened between the both of them! If you mention nothing about carrying his child to him on the phone and conveniently just slip it into the conversation when you both meet up, he's not gonna be happy," explained Jay.

He was right but this was annoying. We couldn't agree on anything. I just had this feeling that it was better for Lexa to tell Stewart now rather than later.

"Well...okay, yeah," I nodded. "You're gonna have to tell him tonight, Lex."

"Yeah, and whatever his reaction might be, you've just got to work with it. You can't go backing down if he doesn't take it well," Jay added.

"Exactly. And if he doesn't want to be involved altogether then you just have to accept that. Don't go trying to persuade him otherwise," I said.

"Okay," Lexa sighed.

I hugged her and Jay came over and joined us. For about 3 minutes we sat in silence with each other.

"Bea?" Lexa queried.


"Did you ever want a baby with Max?" she looked at me and I gulped.

Wow, the subject of Max. Got to be honest, I hadn't mentioned Max or even thought about him for the past couple of months. There was maybe one time about 5 months ago when myself and Jordan briefly spoke about him but that had been it.

As for Max ever wanting kids with me...that was tricky.

"He always fantasized about getting married, having three kids and living in some big ass mansion but it was never anything more than that," I sighed.

"Does Jordan want kids?" Jay asked.

"We've never spoken about it," I chuckled. "Besides, I don't think I'm a very conventional person."

"I think you and Jordan would make great parents," Lexa smiled. "Hey, we can be baby buddies!"

"Oh my gosh," I put my head in my hands while the both of them laughed. "Don't even say that! The both of you may put out on the first date but me, I like to wait six months plus!"

"You two haven't had...?" Lexa gawked at me.

" Not yet. We said we were going to wait a while..." I said coyly.

"That's a very Christian thing to do," Jay chuckled. "Are you ill?"

I punched him in the arm and laughed.

"It was Jordan's idea. He wants the first time to be special," I shrugged.

"That's so cute!" Lexa squealed.

"That's so wrong," Jay looked sickened. "How can Jordan do something like that? I could never hold out until the right time!"

"That's because there's something wrong with you," I raised an eyebrow.

"No, that's because I'm a man!" he retorted.

"Such a lame excuse," Lexa rolled her eyes.

"He's just got more patience than you, Jay. Don't be jealous," I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Yeah, maybe," Jay said. "Or he could be gay."

I gasped and stared at him openmouthed. "You're a complete dick, do you know that?"

"Yep," he picked up the TV remote from the coffee table. "And I don't care."

I laughed with Lexa and rolled my eyes at Jay. he could be such a douche but I loved him...sometimes.


In celebration of Jordan Henderson's second goal of the season, I have uploaded, yay :D

Let's give a round of applause for the hot Mackem :D :D:D:D

let me know what you think :) vote, comment and fan if you liked <3

littlekopiteluu xx

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