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We had finally arrived at the venue and everyone was unloading all the equipment from the bus. I was sitting on a ledge with Tommy and Izzy sharing a joint as we watched all the crew members to their job.

"So like, you and Slash, you guys aren't like a thing right?" Izzy asked after we had finished the joint.

"Someone's eager to get their ass kicked. 5 bucks on Slash." Tommy laughed drinking the bottle of vodka he had in his hand.

"Fuck off, I'm just asking," Izzy rolled his eyes and then looked back at me for an answer.

"I mean, no. We're just old friends," I sighed taking out a cig, "Why?"

"Nothing, its just he's talked about you before and I've seen some old pictures of you guys at his old place. Thought you were like his childhood sweetheart or something."

I laughed "God, no. He's three years older than me. When I was 10 he was basically banging half of the girls at his junior high."

The guys laughed " He had talked about you before ya know, he was always like my friend in Paris this that blah blah blah. You guys ever talked when you were there?" Izzy asked motioning me to give him a lighter.

"I mean for a bit yeah we would send post cards and write letters and stuff, but then I got dragged into the life there after a couple of years and we stopped talking for 4 years."

"The life there? You mean eating macaroons and fucking mimes?" he laughed coughing as he inhaled the cigarette.

"No, just partying, drugs, booze, dumb shit like that." I shrugged.

"So the goody two shoes art genius has a naughty side huh?" Tommy smirked.

I punched his arm and stuck out my tongue "Shut up,"

Just then Slash, ugh look at me I'm even calling him that now...I mean Saul, Saul ran up to us panting with a guitar in one hand and an amp in the other.

"Sonny, there you are," he stopped nodding at the guys a hello "Come with me, I wanna show you something."

I nodded and looked back at the guys, "I'll catch you guys later."

"Sure, sure," Izzy smirked.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to follow Slash into the building and into a dimly lit room.

"Okay, so this is something we've had for a while, but I fixed it up a bit, it used to be only on acoustic I turned it to electric last year, but I fixed it up a bit more, I dunno. Axl wants to put it on the next album."

I sat on the dresser and motioned my hand forward, "Cool, have at it."

He played a somewhat sweet melody that was almost nostalgic even as his fingers strummed along leaving me in a bit of an awe. I realized my mouth was a bit open as I was staring at him not even realizing that he had stopped playing.

"So what'd you think?" he asked putting the guitar down "I honestly came up with while practicing." He laughed and sat next to me.

"It's, umm great, wow, I love it!" I said looking up at him smiling. "Whats it called?"

"Don't Cry."

"Wow, I just might, it was really good." I laughed.

He shook his head and looked at the floor, "Thanks." He said shyly as he stood up and went over to the desk by the couch and took out a lanyard. "Here, this is for you, I got it made so you can go wherever whenever during and after the concert."

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