Simple Love

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Slash POV
I had gotten so used to waking up with her in my arms that when I woke up in Duffs dingy old bathtub I had a bit of a panic attack. Why had I even fallen sleep here? Where was she?
My panic enhanced and I jumped out of the tub and ran out the door
"Sonny?!" I basically broke down the door to the kitchen and then ran into the living room. She was no where.
"Sonny!" I ran outside of the house not even noticing that I didn't have my pants on.
All of a sudden I saw her walking down the street with 4 cups of coffee in a tray and some take out pancakes in a bag.
I smiled at the sight of her. She was always like this, she was the sane in the in-sane and having her back in my life brought back a piece of my humanity. I walked over to her and took the coffee tray from her hands and kissed her on the lips quickly.
"Hey sleeping beauty," she laughed that infamous laugh of hers that always reminded me of church bells and ruffled my hair.
"You scared me I had no idea where you were." We walked up the front porch and I opened the front door for her as we went in.
"You guys were all sleeping and I got hungry so I thought everyone might need some food and I got some coffee." She smiled and sat down the pancakes on the countertop.
I wrapped my arms around the back of her waist and pulled her back into my body kissing her neck "Well, aren't you the best?"
She shrugged and turned around pecking my lips "what you thought I died or something?"
"Well yeah," I leaned on the counter and took one of the cups of coffee "there were a bunch of weirdos last night here and I woke up in the bathtub."
She laughed and opened the box of pancakes "We both slept there you idiot."
"Oh yeah, cause we locked the door cause we," I pointed to her.
"Had sex. We had sex in the bathroom and after we slept in the bathtub." She rolled her eyes laughing and fed me some pancakes.
This girl was fucking amazing. Not only did we share a common history and childhood, but we shared a common trust that only her and I could ever understand. There were a bunch of inside jokes we had, stories and places that only we knew about and I had missed having something like that with someone. That someone being her. We had always gotten along even when we were kids, it didn't really matter that I was 3 years older than her and doing all that other stuff with people older than me, I had always loved seeing her and hangin out with her. At the time she was only 10 but she was one of the smartest people I knew. She had taught me so much about the world at such a young age and that, I had noticed hadn't changed about her. She was still aware of everything and about everyone and was informed 24/7 about everything. She would still share stories, still share her old music, her art and other people's art and show them off trying to get people involved. She was always good at creating, whether that be an artistic masterpiece, a friendship, a relationship, or a home. She was home for me and she was always so unapologetically her, never conforming to anyone's rules and ideas but her own and recreating them into something as spectacular as herself. She was exhilarating, she was loving, caring, and all round the definition of what perfect meant to me.
I snapped out of my thoughts finding her looking at me making a motion with her hands telling me to give her a lighter. I quickly took it out off the counter and gave it to her and quickly kissing her cheek.
"What?" She asked lighting her cigarette.
"Nothing," I chuckled looking at the ground smiling like a 12 year old most probably "I just like to admire you like that sometimes. I don't know what I did to deserve you back in my life." I grabbed her waist and pulled her into a deep kiss while the cigarette was still burnin in between her fingers. Even kissing her was addicting , just like herself.
She pulled back giggling and squeezed my sides "Well, there's a reason for everything." She kissed my nose "there's also a reason people invented maple syrup so lets drown ourselves in it." She turned around and poured the syrup all over the pancakes and took a bite and giving me a closed smile with her cheeks full of pancakes. I shook my head and took a bite still watching her every move. Even last night when we were both high out of minds on the rooftop of a five story building sitting down beside each other as she wore the moonlight like lingerie, watching her talk endlessly about how she missed her dog and how much she sometimes wanted to go back to Paris and how stressed out she was about making her mother proud after all the things and opportunities her family had given her, she brought you into her life with just her voice, her very presence was intoxicating, her overly vast vocabulary as she slurred her speech explaining to me her fears and worries, she was still beautiful. So fucking beautiful and so fucking brilliant that sometimes she made me nervous, making me feel like when I was little kid in elementary school when I couldn't talk to girls. As I stared at her, munching down on the pancakes talking about work as she fed me fork fulls now and then, her hair messy in a bun as she wore an oversized Knicks hoodie and her large glasses covering her amber blue eyes, I felt love. I felt love for her, I felt love for the first time ever towards a woman. Right there, right then, I fell in love with her.
"Whatcha thinkin bout sport?" She laughed putting her fork down and sliding her arms around my waist probably noticing me smiling to myself like a wacko.
I looked down at her and took off her glasses putting them down on the counter. I kissed her lips "You." I smiled and kissed her again "I'm always thinking about you."
Her eyes crinkled at the corners as she smiled wrinkling her nose "You're too sappy."
"You're the one that makes me like this." I sighed realizing I was indeed too sappy. Ask anyone... I really am, well I guess now, I was, the last person on earth who would be this cliche and sappy with a girl.
"You're too cute." She brushed away the hair out of my face and kissed my nose. "You should get a nose ring."
"That's random to say all of a sudden. Why?"
She shrugged "or a belly ring, ouuuuuu that would actually look nice." She turned around and packed up the pancakes.
I laughed at her randomness "I'll think about it." I shook my head "Not anytime soon though."
"Well, I wanna go get my septum piereced so you're more than welcomed to join in and witness my pain so you can decide for yourself."
"Septum? So like a bull?" I laughed pinching the area between my nose.
She rolled her eyes "Ha, ha, ha, you're hilarious." She stuck out her tongue.
"I'll come with you don't worry, I might even get a new tattoo."
"Oh, you mean the little design you did? That one?" I nodded my head and took a seat on on one of the rusty dining chairs. Duff really had to change his place...
"Sounds like a plan Stan." She gave me a thumbs up and took out her rolling paper and grinder sitting in front of me as she got to work on rolling for the day.
"Shit, you really turning into a pot head huh?" I laughed as I took the grinder to help her crush up the pot.
She shrugged her shoulders and took the paper to her lips licking it, "Says you," she looked up.
I raised my hands in defence "Just saying, you should ease on the greens Bob Marley." I chuckled lighting one of the joints as she made a face at me rolling her eyes taking the lighter from my hand.
"Lick the joint before lighting it." She took the small joint in her mouth and took it out lighting it for me, "It lasts longer."
I raised my eyebrows, impressed at her expertise. No one is really attracted to anyone when they're doing drugs, but lemme tell you, when a girl knows her weed and rolls properly, it can be a slight turn on...
"So, what ya got planned today?" She exhaled a cloud of smoking.
"Get high, chill with you, go see Izzy at the studio work on some stuff."
She frowned at the mention of Izzy's name "Sounds good." She gave me a weak smile. I didn't wanna bring up the whole Izzy thing and ruin the mood. I know that that they're good friends and that he's basically ignoring her for no real reason and it sucked when someone you cared about all of a sudden distanced themselves from you with no explanation whatsoever. Izzy was acting like a prick and I didn't wanna start talking so I changed the subject.
"I heard you were gonna visit my mom today?"
She raised we eyebrows a smile plastered on her lips now "Yeah, she wanted to go have coffee around 4. I haven't seen her since I came to LA."
"You know that she doesn't know about us though right?"
"I know," she looked at me obviously thinking about something "That's why I wanted to ask you to come."
Ah, there it is.
"Yeah, I'll come. Don't worry." I smiled
"Oh, thank god cause I didn't know if I should tell her without you or even tell her at all." She breathed a sigh of relief as she smoked her joint, "you gotta stop staring at me like that," she chuckled, "it's weird."
"Well, I can't help it."
She raised an eyebrow, "Again, you're being too sappy."
"Only for you baby," I winked pinching her thigh. This woman was something else and each passing day she kept making me want more of her.

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