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"Bonjour maman, I've missed you." I had called my mom to check up on her and to let her know what I was doing. I hadnt talked to her in over a month. 

"I've missed you too ma petite chou, how is everything?"

"Everything is great," I looked over at Saul who was tuning his guitar on the couch and smiled at him "I'm with Saul, I'm on tour with him?"

"Tour? What tour?"

"Oh, umm hes in a band, they're doing pretty well actually, they're awesome." I smiled.

"What is this tour? Why are you there? What about you work?"

"I got everything covered mama, dont worry." 

"tu te prends pour qui ? Going around on tour?" 

"Mama, its all okay,  il n'y a pas mort d'homme. I'm only here for a bit then I have to go back to new york for that interview about that job in LA anyway." 

ça m'est égal, you know what kind of things happen with people like that. Does Ola know you are with him? You know what I'm going to call her right now." 

"Mama, ça ne vaut pas un clou, please." 

"Call me back when you are of sound mind, I am far too busy to listen and deal with any of your stupidity. "

"Ce n'est pas grave, je vais prendre soin de moi." I hung up and walked towards Saul and took the bottle of vodka near by and chugged it. 

"You good?" 

"Yep," I kept chugging the vodka. He took the bottle away from me and motioned me to sit down.

"Tell me,"

"My moms just throwing a fit about how I'm on tour with you,"

"She never really liked me anyway, I can see why she's concerned."

"There's no need to be though, I can take care of myself, I wanted to be here, I'm here with you for god sake it's not like I'm in the middle of butt fuck nowhere with strangers." I took my head in my hands trying to keep my head from pounding. 

He rubbed my back "Hey, its okay just forget about it, we'll have fun after the show and you wont even remember what the fuck she even said to you." 

"Yeah, I guess. Thanks," I looked up at him and rested my head on his shoulder. "Whatever, I'm glad I came here, I'm glad I'm here with you and not in my depressing studio drinking away my sorrows of unemployment." I laughed.

"I'm glad you saved me the trouble of tracking you down." he looked down at me "I wouldve probably taken like 4 years to do it." he laughed.

"You were going to track me down?" 

"Yeah, a few weeks before you were at the CBGB gig I asked my mom for your address, but she said she only knew the old one so I was kind of stumped and too proud to call your mom and ask. Then I saw the article about you in the news paper and learned you were in New York, and prayed that you would somehow show up to that gig. Just my luck huh?" 



I smiled at him still resting my head on his shoulders as he looked down at me, we were inches apart and I could smell the cigarettes off of both of us. I didn't know if I should lean in or not, my head was so fuzzy from the vodka I had chugged earlier, I couldn't even clearly see his face. We both kept leaning in and I could now feel the linger of his lips on mine. Of course, that was all ruined and set into flames and the ashes sprinkled all over the grave of all my hopes and desires when the door burst open as Duff basically dived into the room. 

"You're fucking late man, we're about to go-" he looked at us sitting rather closer "Oh, umm, sorry, but like dude, you gotta hurry up." he shut the door.

Saul let out a frustrated sigh and stood up pulling me up with him, "I gotta go, I'll see you after." he kissed my head and picked up his guitar. 

I watched him leave and threw myself back down on the couch. "I hate myself," I mumbled into the pillow and pulled the other one over my head. 


"Sonny, you ready for the party tonight right?" Izzy asked from behind his glass of wine. 

"Yeah, of course." I stood in the hallway of the backstage area. 

"Good, we finally get to stay at a hotel so expect to see some fucked up shit." he laughed winking at me leaned against the wall next to me. 

Saul came out of the dressing room his arm draped around a brunette girl wearing no pants as he walked over to where Izzy and I were standing. 

"Hey, guys, whiskey?" he motioned his hand that held the bottle of Jack Daniels. 

Izzy rolled his eyes and shook his head, "Nah, I think we're good man." 

"Suit yourself," he chugged it and smiled down at the girl, "Sonny, I'll see you at the hotel kay? Catch a ride with Izzy or something." he said looking back over his shoulder as he walked back into the room with the girl. 

I stared at the door confused at what I had just seen. I guess I was wrong after all. Fuck, why was I so fucking stupid, of course, I had read every single wrong. I shouldn't have had him get to me like that. 

"You look sick," Izzy said now standing in front of me. 

"No, I'm okay let's just go to the hotel." I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the hallway and out the next exit to find a car that would take us. 


""I feel like I should just wear a t-shirt that says 'I am stupid' at all times to make it very clear what people should expect from me," I yelled from the bathroom of my room at Izzy who was now laying on my bed waiting for me to get ready. 

"You're not stupid."

"Then what? I'm just that naive?" I asked looking out of the door trying to get one of my earrings through my ear. 

"No," he sighed and stood up walking over to me and taking my hand away from my ear, "You're gonna stab yourself." 

"Ugh," I  gave up and sat on the toilet handing him the earring. "Help me, I'm drunk and I'm sad and I feel like a pathetic little whimpy girl." 

"You are a pathetic little whimpy girl," he smirked and put the earring through my ear. I glared up at him and stood up.

"How do I look?" I turned around for him to see. I was wearing a tight red dress and thigh high black boots with hoops. I wanted to make a statement and crush the hopes and dreams of every man possible at the party. 

"You look like a five-course meal," he leaned on the frame of the bathroom door, "Of course, a five-course meal that could kick me in the balls at any given moment cause she's pissed off." 

"Good," I turned around a fixed my hair quickly before exiting the bathroom leaving him behind. 

He walked over to me and pulled me by my waist, "You know, I know what'll really piss him off." he smirked down at me.

"I'm not gonna have sex with you Iz." I laughed at him and turned around to put on my rings. 

"No, okay, not that fine, but like we can just act like we did?" he raised and raised an eyebrow at me.

I looked at him, intrigued by his proposition, "Hmm," I bit my lip trying to think it through, of course, I haven't been sober for about almost a month so that was a fail.

"Fine, two can play at this game. I'm in." I smirked and jumped from the bed taking his hand and leading him out of the room and towards the party. 

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