The studio

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Rey walked down the streets to the studio where she was to have her own painting

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Rey walked down the streets to the studio where she was to have her own painting. She was very nervous about being nude in front of a stranger but her heart was set on a beautiful piece of art; in that case of herself. The bubbly college student volunteered to model for artist Ben Solo after the two met in the campus cafeteria and discussed everything. He had a bohemian style and in his spare time gave art lessons to those students aspiring to become artists. Many considered him talented and great to work with. The painting was going to take a few days to be completed which meant a couple of sessions. This didn't bother her and trusted his art skills.

When she finally found the address, Rey was surprised. Instead of expecting a dinky gallantly art studio it was just an apartment. Nonetheless, Rey walked to the door and knocked. "Come in" Ben's voice came from inside. She reluctantly opened the door and peered in. "Over here," he shouted from another room. Rey then made her way and saw him wearing some dark jeans and a gray V-neck shirt looking at a white frame, his back towards her.

"You finally made it. For a moment, I thought you changed your mind." He said. Rey felt nervous but couldn't stop staring at the gorgeous tall man who was still on his back. "No, I always keep promises." Rey managed to reply holding her handbag tightly. He then paused and turned to look at her. "Good to know." He then handed Rey what it looked to be a robe. "Here, put this on. You can change your clothes in that room." Ben pointed out to a single small room where his models would change before and after each session.

Rey took the robe and did as he instructed. He also gave her a hairbrush in case she wanted to style her soft curls. While she was inside the room Ben started to set everything in place by opening paint bottles and fixing brushes. He also dragged a long dinner table placing it at the center of the soft dark background with its windows covered in thick brown sheets. Rey then exited the room only wearing the dark mustard colored robe. She also decided to leave her hair naturally down. "Wow!" She exclaimed looking at the background Ben made for the painting. Her eyes then fixated on the table. "That's where you'll be laying down," Ben informed her before Rey could ask.

"Wouldn't it be a little uh.. uncomfortable?" Rey suddenly asked. Before answering her, Ben took out ruby red silk towel from inside a basket. "As long as you relax your body muscles it won't. Besides, your arm will serve as a pillow." Ben answered reassuring Rey. His voice was soothing, giving her some comfort.

"Okay, shall we begin?" He asked Rey whose heart almost jumped out of her throat. Taking a deep breath, she nodded and loosened the robe which then slid off her body. Rey was presented naked in front of Ben Solo. He smiled reassuringly and walked over. He instructed her to lay down on the table, arranging her body position. Rey was lying down on her side with her right arm beautifully extended serving as a pillow. Ben made sure not to ever touch his model but only instruct her. Rey's bare back was on him now with her left leg on top of the other one. The girl had great legs and thighs compared to other models Ben has worked with before. Finally, he folded the red silk towel and covered her apricot looking bum with it.

He took a few steps away and saw how red perfectly matched with her creamy skin color and soft chocolate brown hair. This was going to turn interesting. When he sat in front of the white canvas he told Rey to be still. Ben started painting first the top of her head and outline. Her soft curls cascaded down the edge of the table and her scapula bones looked elegant. Ben noticed the beauty this girl possessed. He observed the soft curve of her waist to her thigh as he kept outlining. His neighbors always questioned his job and female models who would come in and out of his apartment every time he worked with them. If they saw Rey they would immediately say a naked woman was sleeping on his dinner table.To Ben, the girl looked an angel.

The silence felt awkward and Rey didn't know what to say. He clearly instructed her to stay still or his work could be ruined. The room felt warm for she wasn't shivering. None of her friends knew about this, especially Finn. He was too overprotective and knowing his friend was posing for an artist without her clothes on would send him overboard.

"You can talk y'know." Ben said while paying attention to his work. She bit her lower lip. "Didn't want to ruin the painting that's all." She replied looking at the brown sheets covering the room windows. "You're doing a great job at it," Ben admitted examining her before turning back to the canvas. Each line needed to be perfect. "For how many years have you been painting?" Rey then asked wanting to know more about the handsome artist. "Six years now. Unfortunately, it was a career move both my parents considered poorly." He had a strained relationship with his parents who always wanted their son to become a doctor instead. "I'm sorry to hear that." Rey apologized feeling stupid for doing so. His voice was very manly making her fantasize.

There was another brief silence between the artist and model. "How about you, Rey?" Ben wanted to know about the brunette. There wasn't anything extraordinary about her, Rey thought. "Well, I never knew who my parents were. They abandoned me when I was a newborn."

"Is that so?" Ben asked turning his gaze on her.

"I spent years on many foster homes until the age of six." Rey continued trying to withhold the pain inside of her. Talking about her parents and her childhood was something that hurt Rey frequently. She took a deep shaky breath to remain calm and steady.

Ben kept observing her quietly. Listening to her story was nothing compared to the problems he was having with his parents. The girl was an orphan while he grew up in their absence. "But look where you are right now. Studying and all. Not everyone can do that."

"Thanks to my adopted father," Rey said. "He was the one to encourage me to keep going in life. I owe him many things."

"So, you got adopted? That's interesting." Ben kept going as he focuses now on the canvas.

It was getting late and Rey didn't want her adopted father to get worried.

"That will be all for today," Ben said putting the brush in a small water cup to wash it over. He then stood up and picked the robe from the floor for Rey to put on. She slowly got into a sitting position covering her breasts with both arms around them. "I'll call you some other time to continue with the rest of the details." Rey grabbed the robe and stood up to put it on.

Ben turned around to check on his work but it was to give her some privacy. The girl noticed this and tried to hold her smile. "Can I have a peek?" She playfully asked fastening the robe. "Nope, not yet." He answered covering it up with a cloth. This disappointed Rey who was expecting to have a glimpse of it. Ben seeing her reaction smiled. "I promise next time you will."

"Well, Ben, I better get going now," Rey said but not before putting on her clothes. Her smile was beautiful and teeth perfectly aligned. The girl had lips which tempted too but he remembered his current situation. The door to his place suddenly opened. A short blonde woman entered the apartment, hanging her coat and then removing her boots. 

"I'm here, Ben,"

Rey looked at him then at the woman. The blonde turned and walked over Ben and Rey. She quickly glared at Rey before talking to Ben. "Who is she?"

"Oh, Connix! This is Rey. She's the model for my new painting." Ben introduced both women and stepped beside Connix.

"Nice to meet you, Connix." Rey greeted her and extended her hand to hers.

"Sure, hi." The blonde said turning to face Ben and ignoring Rey's handshake. "I brought Chinese food for tonight. Better like it." She quickly gave him a peck on the lips before walking away.

Rey stood there, confused. The girl rejected her handshake rudely. Raising a brow, she scratched the back of her neck. Ben noticed this and tried to apologize. "There she goes. As you see she's my..."

"Girlfriend," Rey said coyly. "I noticed it."

To be cont.

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