Enchanted night

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"Rey! Breakfast is ready!" Luke yelled from the kitchen trying to get his stepdaughter out of bed. "And it's your favorite! Bacon!"

Hearing Luke calling her, Rey wanted to continue sleeping. Why in the world Luke wanted her up so early on a Saturday? It was silly. She then covered her head with the covers in order to get some sleep. However, Luke knocked on the door and opened it. 

"Hey, sleepyhead!" He called her again from the door frame. 

Rey yawned and threw the covers aside giving up. She looked at him with groggy eyes. "What time is it?"

"Well, you're not the only waking up late today," Luke answered leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed. "It's 12 already."

Hearing this, Rey immediately jumped out of bed and walked straight to the closet. "Shit, Luke! At least you could have woke me up earlier!"

"Uhmm, I came from work late last night. Remember? Me having a job as a professor?" He joked around watching Rey as she searched for something to wear in her closet.

Of course, she knew. He would sometimes arrive late. Teaching in college required certain professors to stay up until late in their offices. Luke's last course was given at 9:30 pm. He enjoyed working in college and earned great money doing so. It was a tough job but the middle-aged man felt great teaching young people. "Sorry, it's just that I hate to oversleep. That's all."

"Going somewhere, young lady?" He asked noticing how she put some clothes on top of the bed after choosing them. "A date perhaps?"

Yes, she thought. Ben wanted to meet at the fair in a couple of hours. Last night texting turned interesting when he messaged Rey about breaking up with Connix. Rey couldn't wait to hear more about the story. 

"Maybe," she responded pulling a leather jacket from a hanger. "Well, what do you think about this one?" 

Luke eyed it carefully. "I think it will look good on you," he said moving to walk over the kitchen. 

"Uggh, that's not an answer!" Rey grabbed another jacket and followed Luke holding the two jackets now. "I need a better opinion. This one? Or maybe this one?" 

Sighing and with no other choice, Luke grabbed his plate of bacon and coffee mug. Before sitting on the table he then chose. "I say this one. Black looks good on you, Rey."

She smiled and thought he made a good choice. "Thanks, Luke."

"But please, before you embark on a romantic date just eat breakfast." He reminded her. Rey rolled her eyes at the insistence and nodded. The brunette walked back to her room. "Oh and don't forget to brush your hair. It's a mess!" 

"Yes, Luke! I heard you!" She sarcastically yelled. 

The fair was very crowded that afternoon with people having fun on the countless rides and watching different shows. There were many colorful tents and shops around. Music was too loud with many bands performing that day. There was no single cloud in the blue sky. Bad weather wasn't expected that day so people could enjoy their time with no problem.

Ben and Rey met on time and decided to walk around the fair. They ate corndogs and even cotton candy. The owner of the shop let the pair make their own cotton candy. Rey did an excellent job but Ben was the opposite. They laughed it out, though. There were times Ben would make Rey laugh with some of his bad jokes and sometimes pointing at ridiculous clowns fooling others with their magic tricks. 

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