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"Glad you made it," Ben said, shutting the front door after Rey got inside. "Everything in the studio is set, except the model."

Rey expected him to be mad for her unpunctuality that afternoon. That didn't seem the case like his girlfriend told her unless the artist was a great actor putting on a friendly act. She thought about asking if they should or shouldn't continue working together on the painting but Solo walked ahead expecting Rey to follow. She did walk behind him into the studio. "To be honest I thought you were going to be annoyed."

Lifting a brow, Ben replied: "Why would I?"

"Well, I'm not the most punctual person ever and it must be disrespectful to you as an artist, Mr. Solo," Rey answered biting her lower lip worriedly.

"It doesn't bother me that much." Ben shrugged as he sat on the stool. "What truly bothers me is not finishing the painting on time. Your cooperation matters a lot too."

Nodding, the girl felt calm than before. Rey preferred not to tell Ben Solo about what Connix said minutes ago. That would create drama and it was better to simply ignore it. This was an agreement and to quit just like that would ruin her chance of being in one of Solo's paintings. How many women would have the courage to pose nude for an artist? That she wondered frequently. This type of opportunity shouldn't be dropped just like that. Ben then handed Rey the robe and she went to the spare room to change clothes.

When she finally emerged from the room, Rey saw Ben pouring paint out off a couple of pot bottles. He wanted to start adding colors to the painting that same day since the exhibition was taking place in two weeks. Armitage Hux, his rival, was also exhibiting that night and Ben wanted to impress others with his artistic talent. Rey's attention focused on some of the paintings hanging on the walls of the studio. She slowly walked around, staring at one by one with curiosity. The most that caught Rey's attention was of a family. There were two parents with their small child in arms, smiling proudly to whoever took the picture. "Many of your paintings are interesting and others pretty erotic. This one, however, is somehow warm." Rey admitted pointing at the portrait.

He hesitated to answer Rey at first pausing what he was doing. "Yeah, those were the good-happy times. Means a lot to me."

"Are they..?" She asked waiting for his answer.

"My parents, yes," Ben answered, standing up from the tool and walking over her. "I was seven years old back then. It's the only thing that reminds them."

Rey turned to look at him. "Memories should always stay in our hearts. At least you have parents, Mr. Solo."

Sighing, he scratched the back of his neck. He hated when people reminded him of having parents. If they only knew how dedicated they were to so many things, except with their son. "Well, let's begin today's session. Shall we?"

Like the day before, Rey took a deep breath and unfastened the robe with more confidence, letting it fall on her feet. She then walked to the table and Ben tried not to look at her round perfect curves, and instead, focused unfolding red towel he had on his hands. The girl had a figure to die and desire for. She positioned herself on top of the table and laid comfortably in it. Again, he placed the red towel to cover her bum and then returned to the desk. "Remember not to move, alright?"

"Mhhmm," she mumbled, resting her head on her arm comfortably. Her brown hair waves cascaded over the table and Ben started outlining her lower legs.

A thick sweat drop slid down his nose, landing on his palette. It was a hot afternoon and Ben wondered if the girl was hot. Rey remained still but wanted to start a conversation with him. The man was of few words and it made the whole session feel awkward. After a few traces, Ben was finished with the outline completely. So far he liked how it was taking the desired form. "The outline is finished. Good job on not moving."

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