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Trevor was the one who drove the car

Me: So Shannel what you wanna buy?

Shannel: Can we buy the jordan 6 rings 

Me: Yeah sure

Shannel: But I want the same one as you and Trevor has to pay!

Trevor: When df was I in this? Im not paying

Shannnel: PLZZ!

Trevor looked at her when she did that puppy face

Trevor: No

Me: Come on Trevor plz

I did the puppy face with her

Shannel: Yeah Plzzz

Trevor: ......... No

Me: Ill date you

Trevor: iight

Shannel: YAY! thx Rolaine

Rolaine: Wait what df did I do

Trevor smiled

Trevor: So now your my date haha ;)

Rolaine: Shannel you did this

I smiled at her

Shannel: hehe 

Rolaine: hehe bequite

Shannel: Trevor put on the radio

Trevor put it jam'n 94.5 and it was making OMI Cheerleader and Shannel started singing out loud so I joined her

Trevor: Omg!! you people can not sing

I punch him on the arm while singing

after 2 minutes we were done singing then we arrived at the mall 

Me: This A huge mall

Shannel: I know right

Me: Right

We went inside and we went to footlocker

Employee: May I help you?

Me: Yes were looking for Jordan 6 rings one in size 7 and 5

Employee: What color?

Shannel: blue!

Employee: For both? 

Me: Yes please

he went in and came back out with the jordans and I took it and Trevor payed

Me: Thank you sir

Employee: No Problem, you have a boyfriend?

Trevor came up to him and said

Trevor: Yeah me, haha

He said while stucking his tongue and rubbing his hands

Me: Lol shut up

Shannel: can we put on our j's on now

Me: sure

we put them on and went to McDonalds

Shannel: Can I have mcchicken 

Me: Yeah sure and Im paying now

I said to Trevor

Trevor: Iigh i want a Bacon Cheese burger

Me: And I want a cheese burger 

I said to the guy

guy: Anything else?

It Won't Stop ( Trevor Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now