A New Home

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We pulled up in this big ass House

Me: Dam! gurl U got a big house

Jazmyn: Not that big

I looked her wierdly

Me: Nigga stfu

Jazmyn: Lol you did not change

Me: ikr!

We got out the car and trevor took our bags

Me: Thx Boo!

Trevor: Np

We got inside and it was like paradise

Cameron: This living room bigger than my room

Angel:  You have a room bigger than this living room

Cameron: For real?

Gee: Yeah bruh

Cameron: Dang im in heaven

Gee: Srry Rolaine we only have one room left so you and him are going to share

Me: You did this on purpose

Gee: nahh my nigga iight maybe I did

Me: Imma kill you!

Gee: I love you 2

Me: W.e

Junior looking in the fridge

Junior: Do you hwave any fwood?

Trevor: Dont look in peoples friedges thats rude

Jazmyn: Its ok and yea Junior we have food what you want? Chicken, Black Rice, Mash Potatoes, Macoroni, Watermalone, etc?????

Junior: Macowoni, Black Wice, and Chicken 

Trevor: Junior?

Junior: Pwease?

Jazmyn: Sure thing lil cutie coming right up

Me: Thx Jazmyn!

Jazmyn: Np

I sat on the couch and Trevor sat with me and Gee and Angel was infront of us

Angel: Yall can stay here as long as you want

Me: Aww really tthx babes

Gee, Angel, and Jazmyn: Np

Gee: So your boyfriend never talks?

Me: He does I guess he just shy

Trevor: Im not shy

Jazmyn: Then why arent you tlking

Trevor: Idk theres to many girls

Gee: Nigga you gay?

Trevor: No No No (chuckling)  I mean I gotta hang wid my boys 

Gee: Then call them

Trevor: iight then exuse me

He went upstairs to grab his phone to call his boys then came back in 4 min standing infront of the girls

Trevor: yall gon thank me

All of dem: For whut?

Trevor: Got my boys and they single

Me: Wtf are you doing 

Trevor: Dont worry they aint bad Ok so I got Jacob Today his Birthday , Chresanto, and Ray

Me: Hey Tomorrow is My Birthday!

Angel: And mine Nigga

Me: Oh right whoops

It Won't Stop ( Trevor Jackson)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon