2. Calum

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You lied in bed curled up in a small ball while cramps took over your body. You were so happy it was a Sunday and you didn’t have to do anything, let alone move. You’ve had your period many times before but you’ve never had cramps as bad as they are now.

“(Y/N), babe? Where are you?” You heard your year and a half boyfriend, Calum, shout through your apartment.

‘Shit,’ you immediately thought, haven forgotten that you made plans to hang out today.

“(Y/N)?” He called out again quietly.

“I’m in here Cal!” You shouted, making sure he could hear you from the front of your apartment while your room was in the back.

You heard his footsteps come closer to your room as he started to talk. “Hey babe, what are- oh gosh, are you okay?” his cheerful voice immediately turning worried once he saw you.

“Yeah,” You gave him a small smile. “I’m fine.”

“That’s bullshit (Y/N). Are you sick?” He asked, feeling your forehead for a temperature.

“No, I’m not sick,” you gave him a small laugh to try and convince him. “I’m fine Calum, I promise.” But you immediately cringed as another wave of cramps hit you.

Calum looked at you from his spot next to you on your bed, worry clearly evident on his face.

“(Y/N), baby, please tell me what’s wrong. I hate seeing you in pain.” He said almost guiltily as if he was the reason for your pain.

“It’s nothing,” You said as you hugged your lower stomach tighter. “It will pass soon.”

“(Y/N) please tell me.” He looked deep into your eyes.

You sighed after realizing that you wouldn’t be able to get out of telling him this time.

“I have cramps.” You mumbled into your pillow.

“Sorry?” He said, making you repeat the dreaded words.

You sighed, cheeks turning a deep red before you plucked up the courage to tell him again.

“I said that I have cramps.” You were absolutely mortified for having to tell him

He stared at out for a minute trying to put together what you meant by cramps.

“You’re…oh, okay.” Calum said a little embarrassed himself.

“Stay here, I’ll be back in a few.” He gave you a quick kiss on your head and made his way out of your apartment.

You stayed in the same position for about fifteen minutes before you heard Calum come in once again, but this time, you heard him make his way to your kitchen.

You dragged yourself out of your warm bed to see what he was up too. Once you got to the kitchen, he had his back to you so you couldn’t really see what he was doing.

“What are you up too Calum?” You asked as you made your way next to him.

“We, darling, are having a stay at home movie marathon day with all the junk food I could see in the store!” He told you happily as he took a step back from the counter. You gasped as you saw the countless bags of some of your favourite candies, three different pints of ice cream and five new movies that he just bought.

“Thank you Calum, you’re the best.” You said while giving him a tight hug and a kiss.

“I know, I know,” He laughed. “Let’s go princess, our movie marathon awaits!” He joked and helped you carry all the junk food into the living room. He set up the first movie as you grabbed a few blankets. Once he sat down with you, you cuddled into him.

“I love you so much,” You whispered. “Thank you.”

“No problem sweetheart,” He kissed the top of your head again. “I love you too. So, so much.”

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