6. Michael

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You were currently hidden in a room backstage of and interview show to surprise your boyfriend of a year and a half, Michael.

The other boys called you about a week ago because Michael seemed really homesick and misses you a lot, so as a surprised for him, they flew you from Australia to where they are now in the UK. The day before the boys’ interview, you arrived at the airport where Calum picked you up and drove you to a different hotel for the night not too far from theirs so you could surprise Michael at the interview. He told you that they already called the workers for the show to explain it all and arrange something for you.

You arrived at the studio before the boys to make sure that Michael wouldn’t see you. A kind worker showed you the way to this little room that has a TV on which you can watch the interview until it’s time to make your appearance and a couch with a fruit basket next to it on a little side table.

You made yourself comfortable on the couch, playing a few games on your phone and texting a few friends until Michael texted you.

From: Michael :)xx

Hey babe, I know your probably not wake yet but I just want to say that I love and miss you. A lot. I can’t wait to see you again. I hope you have a great day, baby. Call me later, okay? I don’t care when, I will answer.

Talk later :)

You were about to reply but then you remembered it would look strange if you did, considering its almost only 12:30pm here which would be 3:30am back home. You shut your phone off and slipped it back into your pocket just in time for the interview to start on TV. It was on some UK show that you’ve never heard of until now, called The Graham Norton Show.

“Hello, thanks for tuning in! We’re here today with the one and only 5 Seconds of Summer!” Graham started the interview as applause took over the studio.

“So how are you boys?” He questioned them as you hear different answers from all of them. You studied Michael for a bit and noticed what the boys said about him not being himself. He was really quiet and mostly only spoke when he was addressed to.

You continued to watch them being questioned about the tour and play a few games until a worker came and got you and simply said “It’s time.”

You immediately understood and followed the worker to the side of the stage where you could see the boys, but they couldn’t necessarily see you unless they were specifically looking in your direction which they didn’t because the side stage was a little behind the couch they were sitting on.

A different worker from the one that got you from the room signalled to Graham that it was time to reveal the “surprise” for Michael.

“So Michael,” Graham addressed him. “You’ve been dating (Y/N) for a while, how is she? She seems like a lovely girl.”

“Oh, she really is,” Michael started with an added shine to his eyes. That shine appears only when he hears you name or when you’re around. You smiled as you continued to watch.

“She might not be on tour with us, but she’s what keeps me going. She encourages me every day to be a better guitar player and also to just be a better person. I go to bed with a text from her and wake up to one saying she loves me, she’ll always support me and how proud she is of me. I don’t think she understands how much that means to me but I cherish it.

We have been dating for a while but everyday together brings something new and interesting. I’m still learning little things about her, like how when she smiles, the right side of her lips twitch up into that little curve first, or how she sticks her tongue out when concentrating, or even how competitive she is at MarioKart.” The audience laughed a little at the last remark.

“She’s taught me a lot, like how I have the choice to write out my own future. She taught me how to deal with the hate on Twitter and how to live this life even if she doesn’t live it herself.” He smiled and looked at the other boys who were smiling back at him.

“She’s always willing to help any of us out when we have a problem or need advice, right?” He looks towards the guys for confirmation.

“Right,” Ashton replied. “She’s just so nice and loving towards all of us, she’s like the best friend and little sister we’ve never had that love to help us out.”

“Yeah” Michael stated. “Sure we have our little arguments here and there, but our love for each other is stronger then that so we can always surpass any problem we have.

“She might be a pain in the ass sometimes, but she’s my pain is the ass.

“I love her.” He finished.

You had tears in your eyes, not knowing Michael knew or thought all those things about you.  You could hear the audience clapping, but you didn’t care. This was the Michael you fell in love with: the one before all the fame and success.

You felt a worker give you a little push on the back signally you to go out on stage with a smile on her face, her think Michaels love declaration was one of the sweetest things she’d ever heard.

“And you’re my pain in the ass,” You said with a huge smile on your face as the other boys laughed at Michael’s reaction and clapped along with the audience.

“(Y/N)?” He said in shock, not believing that you were actually there.

You were about to reply when he jumped up from his seat and literally ran over to you before he scooped you up in his arms into a tight hug.

“Oh my god, (Y/N). You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” He whispered into your ear while still holding you as close as humanly possible to his body.

“I think I do.” You let out a shaky laugh as tears started to cloud your vision.

“Hey, hey baby, don’t cry. I’m here now.” He said as he placed is hands on your cheeks with his thumbs under your eyes to stop your tears from falling down your face.

“I’m just so happy to see you.” You managed to get out before he crashed his lips to yours. He gave you a sweet and passionate kiss, but then remembered where you guys were, so he pulled away.

“I love you so much, (Y/N),” he brought you back in for another tight hug as the audience was cheering as loud as they could. “I love you so so much.”

“I love you too, Michael. So much that I would travel anywhere, anytime, just to be with you.”

Update in honor of the Amnesia music video today. Wasn't it just perfect? I love it so much :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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