4. Luke

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Being best friends with Luke did have its perks, especially being able to tour local venues with them. You've been best friends with Luke for as long as you remember, you think that maybe even your moms were friends while they were pregnant with you both, it seems that long. But recently things have become...different in your relationship with Luke.

It started about four months ago when he got flirty with you. You didn't think much of it, you've known him for so long he must picture you as a sister; you brushed it off as him being playful and a new side to his personality so you always flirted back. Sometimes jokingly, other times not so much.

Currently, you were behind the club where they're venue was being held at and having a little soccer game. The teams were you, Calum and Michael against Luke and Ashton. It only made sense that the uneven team with the extra player would be the two worse players, being you and Michael, with the best player, being Calum, because unlike you two he could actually aim the ball and kick it to the same spot he was aiming for. You made a makeshift goal with two sweatshirts and currently Ashton was the goalie. There were around twenty to thirty fans behind a fence that was about 50 feet away. You had enough room to do what you want and talk privately so they couldn't hear but you just had to raise your voice a little so they could hear you. There were just watching, laughing and cheering on the boys and you. They made sure to acknowledge them and thank them for cheering and all. It was really sweet of them and they knew it was the least they could do for their fans. A lot of their fans liked you, sure there were a few hate comments here and there but that was expected, but most of their fans were really sweet to you and you loved them for it. A lot of the even ship you and Luke together.

Luke was currently guarding Calum because he honestly didn't have to worry about with you or Michael scoring a goal.

"(Y/N)!" Michael called your name to grab your attention. You looked over and he was about to past you the ball when all of a sudden you were picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder in a fireman's carry. You immediately knew it was Luke, seeing his long legs covered by black skinny jeans and just from being so high off the ground. You saw the ball roll past his feet and you knew he only picked you up so you couldn't get the ball.

"Interference!" You well while laughing. "This is so an interference!" You heard a few fans laughing and agreeing with you.

"Penalty shot!" A girl among the fans yelled while laughing.

Luke put you down and turned to the fan he heard. "You think I should give her a penalty shot?" He laughed. "Alright, but she still won't get a goal," he laughed even harder while taking Ashton's position in the makeshift net.

"And you know it," you winked with a smile to him.

You lined up for the shot with the rest of the boys behind you, them and the fans cheering you on.

"You better not miss this, Hemmings!" Ashton shouted jokingly from behind you.

"Wouldn't dream of it!" He yells back. "Any day now, (Y/N)," he smirked.

You took a breath and ran to the ball and kicked it with all of your force. You aimed for the corner, but of course knowing you, it went straight towards Luke. He saw the ball but couldn't react fast enough as it went straight to his balls.

It hit him hard and he immediately let out a groan, dropping to the ground, clutching is manhood. You could hear the boys behind you gasp and say ouch, feeling Luke's pain, having been in a situation like that before. Some of the fans gasped and looked worried while others tried to cover their laughs.

You immediately turn your back to Luke and bring your fisted hand up to your mouth and bit down hard on your index finger so you wouldn't laugh. He was hurt but the look on his face was priceless! You didn't want to hurt him even more by laughing at him so the sensible thing to do was to turn your back to him. You let a few chuckles get past your lips before you calm yourself down enough to go make sure he's okay. You quickly walk over to him and he's still on the ground groaning in pain.

"Are you okay, Luke?" You ask, still trying to not laugh, as you hover over him.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," he says with a lot of restrain in his voice.

"You know I would do anything to help take the pain away," which was true. You hated seeing Luke in pain he was the same way for you.

'You know how you could make it up to me?" He questioned with a slight smile.


"Kiss me." He said simply. You know you've been flirting for a bit but you didn't know that this is what he wanted. You guys are best friends. Sure you might've developed a little crush over the time you spent flirting, but you didn't think he would feel the same way.

"What?" You reply back in shock, not really knowing what else to say.

"Oh, um...I mean if you want t-to. You don't have to, that's cool if yo-" You cut off his nervous rant by bringing your lips to his. You kissed him lightly until you felt him smile into the kiss and deepen it a little, making you smile into the kiss. You couldn't deny the spark you felt go through your whole body. You two were in your own little world until you were interrupted by all the cheering from the fans and the boys themselves.

"It's about time!" Michael shouted. "We were afraid we'd have to spell it out for you, (Y/N)! Luke's been madly in love with you for ages!"

"I guess it's a good thing I can say the same!" You yell back to one of your crazy best friends.

"Does this mean Cake is over?" Calum asked and pretended to cry into Ashton's shoulder.

"It's okay Cal, Cashton was always the better bromance," Ashton said while rubbing Calum's back, pretending to calm him down. You sat on the ground with Luke still lying on the ground next to you while watching your idiot best friends 'have a moment' and you couldn't help but laugh.

"Finally!" Yelled out a fan. You noticed it's the same one that said you should have a penalty shot. "(Y/N) and Luke have been my OTP for ages and it's finally happening! Ask her out already!" Other fans around her squealed and cheered as you and the boys laughed.

"Yeah well thanks for helping me make it happen! I will!" Luke called back to her and smiled. The look on her face was probably even better than Luke's after he'd been hit. You were afraid she was going to go into shock and passed out but she just turned to her friends and screamed and hugged them while you and the boys fell into laughter yet again.

"So...(Y/N)," Luke turned to you with a cheeky grin.

"Yes, Luke?" You smiled back at him, knowing what was about to happen.

"I decided to give you the honor to be my girlfriend. Are you willing to accept it?" He asked you playfully.

"Hmm... I don't know. I'd have to think about it." You sit there pretending to think while tapping your chin.

He looked at you with a raised eyebrow and a smile poking at the corners of his lips.

"I guess if no one else will accept, I will." You grin cheekily back at him.

His only response was to laugh and bring his lips to yours once again.



I know I said I make these up in my free time and updates will be random but I've haven't updated in months and I'm so sorry for that! I hope that this Luke imagine can partially make up for my extreme lack of updating :)xx

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