August. 3rd, 2017
Some people know. Some people don't.
I've been fighting the thoughts in my head for a long awhile.
My Anxiety
My Self-doubt
My Second Guessing
My Regrets
I have a bad habit of keeping things to myself
I'm scared.
I'm really fricking scared.
I fight everyday.
I'm always able to push them away.
My mind and I are at a constant war.
They've always been since I was 13yrs.
But I am determined to fight.
I will not lose this battle.
I won't let this get the best of me.
Just wait and see I will when this fight no matter what.
I am strong cause I have so many people here
Who are willing to help me.
You know who you are.
So please, may I ask a favour?
For goodness sake,
Please smile today :)
Cause when do. It makes me smile too.
Thank you.
With Love and to bring you your light in the darkness,
Hope ♡
~Good Day~ | ~Bad Day~
RandomLittle things I have written along with Daily updates for myself. Won't always be everyday. Thank You. This book is done. I've moved on. Thank you