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You decide to have a conversation with Jungkook and try to talk this out.

"Best friend"
Hey Y/N, can we please talk?


"Best friend"
I'm sorry about what happened earlier. And also how
I was acting towards you the Last few weeks. I don't want
our frendship to end like this. I had some time to think
and I know now that how I've been acting was.. rude of
me. That moment.. when I was about to hit you, I've
never seen you more scared. I feel disgusted by myself.
I'm truly sorry. I will change. Back to the nice Jungkook.
Please forgive me..


I don't know what to say right now. And I'm not sure if I
can forgive you right now. I need some time to think
about that.

"Best friend"
Okay. That's totally fine. I will wait for you to forgive me.
I will show you that I change.
Also I wanted to ask.. how long have you planned to stay
in Jimins house? Why are you there anyways? And how
do you know him? I'm sorry but I'm curious..

I dont know how much longer I'll stay here. As long as
it takes for me to forgive you. He found me crying
when I ran away from you. He offered
me to stay over at his house for one or a couple of days.
He cared for me unlike you did.

"Best friend"
Look, I know that I've been a jerk. And I would tell you
why if I could.. well, thank you for talking to me. I need
to go now. Bye.


You sigh as you put your phone away. It's already pretty late so you try to sleep. After what felt like hours of trying to fall asleep and rolling around in your bed and thinking about Jungkook, you finally fall asleep.

You wake up by your phone buzzing. Huh, that's weird, I didn't set an alarm? The buzz stopped as soon as it started. You pic up your phone and turn it on. One new message from Jungkook. "Good morning~" Youre still mad at him but you just had to smile a little bit. I don't know what to do with him. Either he's playing and pretending to change for me to come back home and then he'll change back again, or he's actually changing... I hope the second one. But if I'm honest, it's easy to pretend when you're not talking in person..
You send a good morning back and then put your phone away. You get ready and and go downstairs. You see Jimin making breakfast. You tell Jimin that you talked to Jungkook.
"Y/N do you maybe wanna test it out? You could come to Yoongis birthday, and look if Jungkook really changed. If it's getting too much for you I'll drive you home."-"I think that might be a good idea, but what if that Yoongi guy doesn't want me to be there?"-"It's okay, since you're my friend." Yeah.. friend..


Jimin rings the doorbell and takes a step back. You stand next to him and wait for the door to open. A young handsome guy opened the door. "Oh~ Jimin, come inside." He smiles at both of you as you get inside. You follow Jimin to a big room where a bunch of guys were sitting on a couch, also Jungkook. The guys first greet Jimin and then they finally noticed you standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. "Oh, Jimin, is that your girlfriend~?" One of the guys teased him. "A nice girl you got there~" You just look down. "Jimin you didn't tell us you had a girlfriend." You could feel Jungkook staring at you. And Jimin started to defend himself "Guys she's not my girlfriend! She's just a friend." There's that word again.
Jimin sits down and you silently follow him and sit down next to him.
"Well okay, Jimins friend, what's your name?" A rather tall guy asked you. "Y/N." Jungkook answered. The rest of the guys look at him in a confused way. "Wait you know her?" Jungkook keeps his eyes on you. "We lived together." Everyone looks shocked at him. Why did he have to bring this up now? "But let's not talk about this now, it's Yoongis birthday! Let's give him his gifts!" Jungkook said and stood up. He walked over across the room to a small bag and put it on the little coffe table infront of, who you think, is Yoongi. Jungkook sat back down and everyone looked at Yoongi who was already smiling big. He takes the bag and opens it. "Oooh~ Jungkook~" he pulls out a small Gucci box and opens it. Inside the box was a bracelet. "Thank you." He put it on the side and some other guy hands him another gift. He opens it and laughs. "Why?" He pulls out a small Kumamon figure "How many of these do you plan to give me?"-"I'll give you every single one of those figures I can find." Everyone laughs and you smile.
He received a gift from everyone, now the only gift which is missing is Jimins. "Jiminie, give him your gift." You look over to him as he looks on the floor. "I don't have a gift."-"Ahh, Jimiiin"-"Aish, Jiminiee!" Jimin starts to smirk. "But," everyone got silent. "I got caakee~" he said playfully as he held up the box with the cake inside. "Ooh, Jiminieee~"-"Let me guess, you just bought it before you got here." Everyone laughs. "No I made it together with Y/N yesterday."-"Okay if he made it himself don't eat it!" One of the guys yelled while making a weird face. Everyone laughs again. Those guys really are close.

Everyone moved over to the dining room and sits around the table, of course you sit next to Jimin again. Jungkook sits down next to you and smiles. You give him a slight smile and look away afterwards. One of the guys just came out of the kitchen. "Okay now let's eat Jimins cake~" Jimin puts the cake on the table and everyone cheers. "Wow Jimin I thought you made the cake, that looks way too good for you."-"Well, I had help from Y/N." Everyone gets a piece of cake and starts eating. "Wow this is actually good, I didn't expect that."-"Jimin please make a cake like this for me too." Jimin laughs slightly. "Stop it."
"Oh, right, we haven't introduced ourselves to Y/N yet! How could we forget?" Some of the guys sigh and look up as the same guy speaks up again "My name's Namjoon. Nice to meet you."-"I'm Jin." Another handsome guy said. "Yoongi." One of them said and raised his arm. "I'm your hope, your angel, I'm J-Hope" some of the guys chuckle. "But you can call me Hoseok." He smiles. "I'm Taehyung." Another one said and made made a peace sign with his hand and held it above his eye. "I think that's all."

A few minutes passed with the guys talking and laughing alot, as you felt that you had to go to the bathroom. You stand up "I need to use the bathroom.." right after you said that Jungkook stands up too. "I'll show you where it is." You gulp and nod. He starts walking and you follow him. Once you were far enough away from the other guys he starts talking. "Here it is. But.." he turns around and grabs your wrist and he pins you to the wall leaving you nowhere to escape. "Y/N we need to talk."


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