Jungkook ending

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"Y/N we need to talk."

"I'll listen if you let me go."

He lets you go and takes a step back. He looks down on the floor. "So what do you want to tell me?" You cross your arms.

"There's something I need to let go of my chest.. Y/N the reason why I was acting like that.. it was because I was falling in love with you."-"What?!"-"please let me finish. I couldn't believe it because I already had a girlfriend.. and I thought I love her but really I didn't even know what love was.. I'm so sorry. I feel so bad since you confessed to me a year ago and I rejected you. I slowly noticed how much you mean to me over the past few months.. and I was so confused.. and I was mad at myself, so I acted like I hate you.. I thought like that I'd stop falling for you but I never did. It hurt me alot everytime I was acting mean towards you. I don't know if you still have feelings for me but I just can't live without you. I noticed that when you ran away, I was so mad at myself for letting you go, I broke up with my girlfriend that night. Saying that I never loved her. It felt bad to hurt her but she understood.. I'm thankful to Jimin since he let you stay over at his. I just- it hurt. It hurt knowing that you would be staying over alone at his. It hurt knowing that you two could have.. become more than friends." He had to stop. You look at him as a few tears started to roll down his cheeks. "Y/N I love you.. and I hate myself for acting like that.. I can understand if you don't want to forgive me.."

he started sobbing more and more every second. You don't know what to say. After hearing what he said you felt this weird feeling in your stomach again.. the same feeling you had for Jungkook for 2 years, it's there again.

You couldn't hold back so you ran up to him and hugged him tight. At first he was shocked but then he slowly hugged you back. "I forgive you Jungkook.." he tightened his hug "Really?" You could feel that he was relieved and stopped crying.

"AWHH!" You heard Taehyung say. You turned around to see that everyone was looking at you, standing in the hallway. You quickly let go of each other. "How long have you been here?"-"long enough to know that Jungkookie likes you~"-"And he cried over a girl! That's so cute~" he blushed and touches the back of his head out of embarrassment. "We just wanted to check on you since you both took so long to come back, and we heard voices." You both blush. You look over to Jimin who doesn't seem too happy.
"Well Y/N I'll let you use the bathroom now.." he walked back and the others followed him. Jimin stood still for a moment and looked at you, but then turned around to follow the rest of the guys.

After you used the bathroom you walked back to the guys. You sit down next to Jimin and Jungkook and start blushing as soon as Jungkook looks at you. "So, Y/N, you what's you answer?" Taehyung asked teasingly and Jungkook hit him playfully. "What answer?" You asked. "Well Jungkook just confessed to you! Do you like him back~?" Oh, that.. You feel Jungkooks eyes on you while you look down and blush.
I mean, I definitely had a crush on him.. and I think my feelings might not have changed alot...
You hear Jungkook sight next to you "It's okay Y/N you don't have to answer yet."
I just can't say it now.. infront of everyone..

"Okay let's play some games now" Namjoon stands up and clapps his hands breaking the awkward silence. The rest stands up too and everyone follows Yoongi to a very big but pretty empty room. You all sit down on the floor and look at Yoongi who's still standing. "Okay what do you want to do?"-"let's do this game where we can do anything we want with Yoongi for 5 minutes without him being allowed to do anything about it."-"Ah, Tae.."-"I think that's actually a pretty good Idea."-"What!?"-"I'LL GET THE PUDDING TO PUT ON HIS FAC- I MEAN FEED HIM" Taehyung stands up and runs back to the kitchen. Yoongi sighs "Ah, this guy.."

They decided that they will actually do that and they have 5 minutes to search anything in the house to use on Yoongi. Jungkook grabs your hand and stands up. "Come on, let's go and search for some make - up or anything like that to put on his face" he smiles big and pulls you up "Okay." You smile back and after that he starts to walk fast while still holding your hand. "Let's go in his room" You left the room you were in and go up the stairs, and along a hallway. He stops and looks at a door. "That's it. Yoongis room."-"Are you sure we can go in there?"-"He said we can use anything in the house." He looks at you and smirks. He opens the door and pulls you inside. "Wow he has a pretty big room.." You said while looking around while Jungkook already searches for anything to use. "Hey Y/N, look!" You turn around and see him holding up some lipstick. "Let's use this."-"Why does he have lipstick?"-"Nevermind that for now, let's check his wardrobe." Jungkook walks up to a big closet and opens it. "Ohoho~ what do we have here~ his underwear~" he pulls out a few of Yoongis boxers and smirks. "Let's make him wear 10 of these at at time." You laugh. "Okay."

The both of you grabbed a few more thing before heading back Downstairs.
Everyone did a lot of weird stuff to Yoongi and after you were done he looked like a very weird ball of clothes and had some stuff written all over his face toghether with some small box on his head as a hat.

All of you had alot of fun the rest of the day.
It's already late and everyone starts to go home, and now only Jungkook, Jimin, Yoongi, and you are in the house. "So Y/N... will you come back home to our house or will you stay with Jimin for a bit longer? " Jungkook turned around to you as the four of you stand in front if the door. "Uh, I don't know.." You look at Jimin and wait for him to answer for you as if he was your parent and you needed permission. "Well, depends, do you like him back?" You start blushing. "I think so.." Jimin looks down at the floor. "Okay then you can go back to him.. you just need to pick up your stuff from my house.." he seems kind of upset but you don't question it and look over to Jungkook who seems extremely happy.

You leave Yoongis house and go to Jimins house to get your stuff. He seems kind of cold towards you and you don't know why. You grab you bag and start walking out of the room you stayed in the last few days but Jimin blocked the door "What about the clothes I gave you?"-"Can I keep them? "-"Of course, I got them for you."-"Well, thank you then." You grabbed the clothes and went outside where Jungkook's waiting for you. He smiled at you "Got everything?" You smile back "Yup." Jimin follows you outside and looks at you. "Thank you Jimin that I could stay here. I had a really fun time."-"Welcome." You wave each other goodbye as you walk away.

You had a quiet walk home and you barely talked. Once you reached your house and got inside Jungkook grabbed your wrist and pins you to the wall and stares into your eyes. "Do you know what I always wanted to do?" You stay silent and stare back at him. He is now very close to your face, so close you could feel his breath on your skin. "This." He closes his eyes and starts pressing his lips against yours and you slowly start to move your lips with his. You pull away from each other to breathe and stare at each other again. "Jungkook I've been wanting to do that for ages." You both smile and go in for a second kiss.
"I love you Y/N."
"I love you too."


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Yall can Immagine yourself what happens next ;))))

Thanks for reading!♡ feel free to read the Jimin ending too.♡

I'd love to have some feedback and comments ♡

I hope you liked it qwq

Also exuse me for any grammar mistakes, English is my second language and I'm still learning. (I just like to write in english more that my native language hehe)

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