Jimin ending

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"Y/N we need to talk"

"Let me go!"

"But Y/N I-"

"NO!" You shout out, knowing that the others will hear it but you don't care. Jungkook looks shocked at your reaction and doesn't move. You hear footsteps coming your way as you stare in Jungkooks eyes. You turn your head around to see Jimin and a few other guys coming your way. "Jungkook let her go!" Jimin shouts at Jungkook while walking fast towards you with the others behind him. You feel that Jungkook is scared and he finally lets you go and takes a step back. When Jimin arrived where you were he put his arm around your shoulder and pressed you against him in a protecting way. "Are you alright Y/N?" You nod as you look at Jungkook who is biting his lip. The other guys just stand at the other end of the hallway as they watch what's happening. "Jungkook what do you think you're doing?"-"I just wanted to talk to her!"-"That's not how talking looks like!" You watch what's happening, still in Jimins arm. You're scared. "Jungkook.. you told me you'd change.." he looks at you surprised to hear that. "You didn't even change one bit." Jungkooks eyes widen. "No.. that's not what I-" he looks down at the floor and takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry.." You could sence that Jimin is angry at him. "Come Y/N, I'll walk you home." He loosens his grip and grabs your hand instead, pulling you behind him and walking by the others. "I'll come back later. I'll just bring her home."

You both walk outside the house and start walking to Jimins house. "I told you I'd get you home if he acts like that." He smiles at you.
"I knew he wouldn't change."-"Why?"-"I don't know. I just assumed it." After a while of walking you notice he's still holding your hand. You start blushing and he noticed too. He quickly pulls his hand away. "Sorry."-"It's okay." You awkwardly walk next to each other. He sighs. "Y/N.. was I.. too rude to Jungkook?"-"Why are you asking that?"-"He's one of my best friends. And I was kinda yelling at him.. should I apologise?"-"Do what you think is the right thing. If he's one of your best friends he will probably forgive you... but why were you so mad at him?"-"I don't really know.." he sighs and looks up at the sky which is very clear and already showing stars. "Look Y/N, the stars are beautiful." You look up to see a lot of beautiful little shining dots on the sky. "They are."-"You know what else is beautiful?" You look at him as he keeps looking up to the stars. "You." He says with his soft voice, closing his eyes. You blush and look down.

You arrive at his house and you both go in the kitchen to get a glass of water since you're both thirsty. "Y/N do you want me to stay here?"-"You can go back if you want." He pours some water into two glasses. "I don't know. I think I'm too tired to go back. I can just message them that I won't come anymore." He gives you one of the glasses. "I mean, we've been there all day now and it's pretty late now, I don't think they would be upset about that." He takes a sip of his water and looks at you. "Do what you want Jimin. " You smile at him and take a sip yourself. "I think I'll do that." He finishes of his water and walks pas you. "Goodnight Y/N, sweet dreams~" he goes up the stairs and inside his room. After you finish drinking you go upstairs and finally use the bathroom, after that go inside your room, get ready for bed, lay down and try to sleep. But you can't really sleep, your thoughts keep you awake. So much happened today.

After a while of rolling around trying to sleep you hear a knock on your door. "Y/N are you still awake?" You hear the door slowly opening as you turn around to see Jimin. "Come in, I can't sleep." He walks inside and sits down next to you on your bed. You sit up and look at him. "What's wrong?" He looks at you and sighs. "Y/N I have a question. And it may sound weird. But if I don't ask it will keep me awake all night."-"Okay, ask me." He looks down and gulps. "Is it possible to fall in love with someone you've only known for a few days?" Your eyes widen. "Uh, I think that is possible, but why are you asking me that?"
He looks into your eyes and sighs again. "Y/N I think I am falling for you. Even if it's only been a few days, it feels like we've known each other for a long time now, and I think you're really cute and I just don't know what to think of myself because I barely know you and I-" he stops. "I'm sorry." He stands up and walks towards the door to leave. "Jimin wait." He turns around with his hand already touching the doorknob and looks and you with a kind of sad face. "I'll tell you something 'weird' too, I think I might start to have feelings for you too." His eyes lit up "What really?" He smiles and hides his face behind his hands. "Ah~ I thought you like Jungkook."-"I did, but he turned into a jerk. I don't like him anymore." His smile got bigger and you smile too.


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Yall can Immagine yourself what happens next ;))))

Thanks for reading!♡ feel free to read the Jungkook ending too.♡

I'd love to have some feedback and comments ♡

I hope you liked it qwq

Also exuse me for any grammar mistakes, English is my second language and I'm still learning. (I just like to write in english more that my native language hehe)

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