(Part One)

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I heard a growl coming from behind me.
I turned around and saw another pair of red glowing eyes. Definitely, it means that whatever is just feet away from me is not human. It does not take me long to realize what I am looking at. A large hound with black fur is slowly inching in my direction. As the creature takes steps forward, I take steps back. When I see the eyes, a type of fear that I had never felt before grows inside my mind and my body. I did not even feel this way when Xander disappeared. Before I could come up with a plan to escape with the dangerous creature I am dealing with, it launches forward at me. Adrenaline moves me to the side before it could do the damaged it obviously wanted to do to me. When the large creature misses me and hits it's head on a dumpster behind me. I back away and turn to run before it can get back up. And even if it did start to chase me, I would have a head start.

My body must have moving before my mind could think because after I started to run I curse myself for running into the other direction so I could be back on the street. Where there are people, witnesses.
All I can do now is run forward.


This time, it comes from behind me. And it is louder. On one hand, I was to turn and know how far I am away from the creature that is chasing me. On the other hand, it might be like one of those moments where they tell you to not look down.


It was both louder and closer and I am nit sure how much longer I can keep running.
My heart already feels like it is going to explode from a lack of breathing, and the fear in me intensifies within me more and more by the second. I do my best to power through until I make it down one more alley. But my best is not good enough. I feel what feels like the over grown claw of a dog scratch against my ankle. I scream out a yell. The creature that is chasing me runs past and turns to face me. I hear a growl, but not from the creature I am facing. The growl came from behind me.

I cannot run forward, I cannot run back. I can not run to my left. Or to my right. My only option is up but I am going to have to move fast. The creature in front of me starts that inching closer to me that he did the first time before he bolted at me. As the creature moves, I move. I jump and get a grip on the edge of an open dumpster. I use my feet to climb up and balance on the edge until I make it to the other side of the dumpster with a closed lid. When I look back down. The wolves look like they had been hit. They must have missed me again and hit each other. I get a look at the other wolf that was chasing me. The one that was behind me. I notice that the wolf had white fur, instead of black. Should I jump now and make a run for it? Maybe there is something in the dumpster that can help. At this point, a large stick is better than nothing. I look down at garbage bags. My eyes scan the trash hoping to find something, anything useful. Nothing. I look back at the creatures, I think they are wolves, and I see one backing up but I could tell they were not doing it to run away to run away.

I stand up and I slowly move to the side doing my best to keep my balance on the tilted dumpster. The wolf lets out a growl before taking a large jump onto the dumpster. I jump of the dumpster. As soon as I land, I feel a spike in my ankle. But it does not stop me from breaking into another run. This time, I am going into the opposite direction. This time, I am going back into the direction of the candy shop. I will take the long way home from there.

"Watch it!" a young woman angrily spats at me when I run into someone as soon as I exit the alley. Ignore her and keep jogging. The candy shop is not far, thankfully.

Finally, I think to myself as I see the shop ahead. I limp the rest of the way to the candy shop only to find that it is closed. This takes me by surprise because it is not even six o'clock yet. And the store does not even close at midnight. Of course, I believe this has something to do with the man with bleeding eyes. Maybe he has a condition. I've seen something like this on one of those medical shows before. There is only one place to go now, home. Although, I was hoping to be able to sit in the candy shop for a while and take a breather and also, something to drink. I start into the direction of my home.

When I arrive to my place, I come home to no one.

Exhausted, I stumble into my room. I flop down into my bed. Ow, I think pulling the jelly beans out of my pocket and put the beside me on the bed. I lay there thinking about what I saw today. From not finding Xander for another day. From the scratches that I found and need to check out tomorrow. From man behind the counter was wacko but cute looking with those almost yellow green eyes and light brown almost dirty blonde hair. To the demonic looking wolves that could have killed me.

My mind shifts back to the man, I have never seen a man quite like him. He could not have been older than twenty-one. But it was the blood that caught my attention more than his appearance did. Did the man have some kind of connection with the creatures that chased me?

When did I fall asleep? I wake up to a growl.
When I sit up it stops. I reach for the lamp and cut on the light but nothing was there. Nothing at all. I swear I heard a growling which is strange. Logically, I think maybe I was dreaming and just do not remember. I look out the window and see that the sky is a dark blue. The sun will be up any minute now.

Instead of laying back down to go to sleep, I grogilly walk barefoot on the cold hardwood floor to the bathroom. I am just feet away from the bathroom when I hear something move. Nope, I could not have really heard anything. I convince myself that it is imagination going wild again.

I go ahead and begin to get ready for the day. I notice that I am in the clothes inwore yesterday. Lastly, I change out of my sour smelling clothes.

I find my keys and phone and walk out of my house to head to the café.

"I'm surprised to see you here this early." I turn around to see Trista walking behind me. She had her dark hair in a ponytail and her green eyes are sparkling bright as ever. "Actually, I'm surprised to see you here at all. Are you eating here finally?" Trista asks. I wouldn't eat here after the accident either.

"Yes I'm eating here...and did any of you even notice I left yesterday?" I ask her.

"Well of course we did." Trista runs her fingers though her ponytail. "I even followed you as far as I could into the alley."

My mouth fell open a little and my appetite vanished.


Her eyes shifted to the side with guilt. "I ran away."

"You didn't see there eyes."
They were the scariest things anyone could ever see. The scared me beyond my worst nightmares when I looked into there eyes. It scared me to hell and back. How could run away?

I ordered a sunny side up egg and a mini pie. What happened to me last night made me cower, it made me fear what was coming. It made me want to eat and it made me not so afraid of finding the dead body of my friend andwhat killed him. Who killed him.

I think more than I eat as I wait until everyone gest here.

Once everyone is here I started talking.

Instantly, I start to scold. "Who even paid any any attention to the man behind the counter?! Who paid any attention to the sctraches on the floor?!"

I ask getting more pissed now that I'm saying it out loud. Nobody said a word which made me even more pissed.

When no one says a word, I continue, "We are trying to solve a murder or kidnapping, not solving how candy tastes!" I yell loud enough for heads to turn. I frown and lowly say to all of them, "Fuck it."

I leave the table and the cafe. Apparently, they don't give as much of a damn as I do. Looks like I am going to have to do this alone.

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