A Place to Call HOME

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I was suddenly warm when I woke up. I was in someone's arms. I could feel, and hear his breathing clearly. I look up to see a staring Marcus grinning. "Marcus!!!" I shout. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly not wanting to let him go.

"I missed you baby." He said lifting my chin up so we were eye to eye. Him calling me baby made me cringe. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"I um... guess I have to tell you don't I?" I asked putting my head on his chest.

"Do you want to tell me?" He asks.

"I kinda need to tell you. So yes." I said. I lifted up my shirt and put his hand to my stomach.

"What?" He asks.

"Wait for it." I say. I move his hand along my stomach when "uhg" I say. "There." I said. I couldn't stand to look him in the eye.

But he lifts my chin up and stares me in the eyes with sadness and regret. "I didn't-"

"It's not your fault. Don't go beating yourself up over it. Just don't say it's your fault and don't leave me." I said locking lips.

"I won't, but why wouldn't you tell me?" He asked.

"I didn't want you worried anymore than you had to be." I say snuggling in his chest. He kissed me on the forehead and rubbed my back.

"How far are you?" He asks.

"Three and a half months but the doctor said I'm almost done. Which means within the next month..." I said

"Do you know the gender?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"Didn't want to know until you came back." I said. He laid down and I put my head on his chest and he out his arm around me. I slowly cried myself asleep, but this time I was crying tears of joy.

When I woke up I was still in his arms. " We need to go." He said.

"Go where?" I asked.

"To my real house." He said smiling.

"What? You have a real house? I mean besides the shop?" I asked.

"Well where do you think I came from?" He asked. That is a good question. I shrugged and scooted up and infront of his face. When we were eye to eye I kissed him.

"So your not mad about the baby?" I asked him.

"Of course not." He said smiling. He licked my lips and I opened them allowing his sweet toung into my mouth. He wiggled it in and made me moan. He just chuckled and bit my bottom lip. I got on top of him and kissed him again and again this time I made him moan. He kissed down my neck and to my neck I could feel his teeth Peirce my skin making me tense then untense. I moaned but tried to do as quietly as possible. He drank from me making me feel closer than ever to him. He sucked his teeth out making me moan again. He licked the blood off and licked the wound close. He kissed me with bloody lips making mine also bloody. I lick off all the blood off his and mine face.

"That was sexy." He said grinning.

"Oh yah?" I asked kissing him again.

"Definitely." He said French kissing me. "But we have to go now." He said rubbing my stomach. I felt the baby lightly place a hand on his.

"The baby likes you." I said smiling.

"Is that right?" He asks kissing me. "Have you thought on names?" He asked.

"Well for a boy yes but a girl not yet. But it's a surprise name for a boy. You can pick a name for a girl." I said smiling. I slowly started to get up and out of bed but Marcus only put his hand on my shoulder.

"Let me get everything packed." He said. I nodded and layed back down. I said everything I wanted packed and he packed it with speed. With in four minutes he was done. "You ready to go?" He asked.

" I need to day bye to my parents... Could you help me up?" I asked putting my hand out. He slowly helped me up to the point I was standing on my feet.

"That know where your going so say bye while I out your stuff in the truck." He said helping me down the hall. He walked me to my parents room and knocked. He grabbed the bags and brought them down.

"Who is it?" My mother asked.

"Me." I say.

"Come in come in!!" She said. I walked in and my mother quickly hugged me. "You be safe, and get better soon please." She said not wanting to let me go. But when she did I was wrapped in a tight high by my father.

"You better visit and at least call ever once in a while." He said to me. He kissed me on my head and stepped away. I turned around and ran into Marcus. "And for you Marcus once you get her in the truck I want to talk to you." He said pointing to Marcus who had his right arm around me.

"Yes sir." He said. We walked out and down the stairs. We walked outside and into Marcus's truck. "I'll be right back." He said shutting my door.

Marcus's POV

I walk inside and up to her parents bedroom...

Till next time

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