Long lost friend

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I woke up to Marcus sitting up reading a book. How come he doesn't sleep with me? I don't know, all I know is that I don't wake up with him. He flips his page and looks up with a smile on his face. I give him a smile back.

"Your up!! It's so early in the morning." he said.

"And??" I say

I crawl closer to him until I'm next to him. He puts the books down and smiles at me. Smiling back I grab his arm. I pull him into bed and crawl backwards. As he crawled back in I heard him give off a mini giggle. I bring him till we're in the middle of the beds. He sits against the headboard and grins his playful grin.

"I didn't mean to drink from you last night. " he said

I shed a silent tear. But I didn't hide it well enough because he hugged me tight.

"I just don't... Want to hurt you. I've only drank from men or animals. Not fairy's." he said kissing me on my head

I snuggled into him and put my head on his stomach.

"I want you too actually sleep with me. Especially since it's hard to cope with my parents gone. I don't want to see you in the shop, reading, or anything else. If your going to read, then read next to me. Not away from me." I said tears welling up in my eyes

He takes a hand and lifts my chin up to face me eye to eye and leans in for a kiss. I put my arms around his neck and pull him in. I slowly straddle him. He slowly moves his hands down my waist and to my thighs. Then slowly moves his hands and grabs my ass. He moved his hands up my back and cupped my face.

He flipped us over so he was on top. Then he bit my lip and I complied by opening my mouth allowing him in. He put his tongue in my mouth and I moaned while letting him do what he wanted to me. As he French kissed me I felt his teeth start to form to sharp and pointy.

' I know you've been trying fuck him. I can feel you getting horny. I feel you wanting him more and more. Don't think I don't know. I'm going to destroy you and your family.' I hear Ace say.

I pull away from Marcus.

"I didn't mean to hurt you if I did." he said with sadness in his voice and regret in his eyes

"It wasn't you." I say.

I don't want to tell him. But should I?

"It was Ace wasn't it?" he said Arcanine vampire teeth out

I nodded.

"Fuck!!" he said huffing

"There's only one way to get him out and stop feeling what you feel." he said angrily

Before I could ask I saw his teeth grow even more and he bit into his arm.

Blood rushed out of it and into my face. I pulled his arm down getting the idea. As I drank his blood, I noticed it was sour but sweet at the same time. I supposedly drank too much because he had to try to pull away. Suddenly I was drawn to his blood. I pulled his arm towards me wanting more.

"It's too much Kandy. I can't give off anymore." he says struggling to get out of my grip without hurting me

I let go even though I didn't want too. Afterwords I felt a wave of weight, relief, and fear come off me. Marcus leaned in and kissed me. When he pulled away his face was full of blood from me. He kissed me again, and again licking the blood off my face, he kissed me on the lips one more time before moving to my neck.

"Now we won't have any more intrusions." he whispered huskily in my ear

A knock came from the door.

"Damn it!!! I'm going to kill whoever you are!!" Marcus shouted at the person behind the door

I wiped the blood off of his face with his black shirt that was on the bed. I patted his chest and kissed him on the cheek.

"Pourquoi voudriez-vous me tuer !!!!?????" a man shouted in French

I saw Marcus smile and before I knew it he was at the door. He opened the door and a man came in. The man was wearing a black soaking coat, a top hat, white gloves, a cane, and black dress pants someone in the 1800's or early 1900's would have.

"I now see why you were to kill me." he said in a thick French accent

He had a nicely trimmed beard, green eyes, and pale skin. I blushed and hid under the blanket's. I heard them talk about things that more than likely deal with Ace. I heard crucifixion, council, and to get out.

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